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Everything posted by OnthePotomac

  1. Had the cath...not good. He took pictures and stopped. Too big a mess. Heart surgeon is reviewing pics and says open heart surgery too risky and suggests a stint to give me some quality of life. Now I wait and "don't push too hard for the time being". 86th BDay is the 10th and by gosh i will eat cake lol. I'll make it fine.
  2. Anyone on here work for them and know when this reel will arrive? All customer service will say is we don't know. I guess because they get a zillion of them they are usually last in line. Gift cards ?
  3. I have a jumbo spool of BPS Excel 20lb mono on my peg board in the basement now 20 years old and I still spool it on a reel each year. Works just fine. Seems to be no end to that jumbo spool, but then I only use 75 yds a year. It is my chatter bait line.
  4. Had a Curado 50E that did this five years ago out of no where with mono on the reel, so i just quickly replaced the part. Fortunately on the 50E that was easy to do. New part never did It and I still have the reel.
  5. For what it is worth, just read comments from five anglers on another site who have been fishing with the 70 MGL and had only good things to say about it. Most common comment was "very smooth" and a "pleasure to fish with". Hark, I see one coming. One said, "love the long handle"
  6. Got a call yesterday (Saturday) A.M. from the CardioVascular group of docs treating me and it was decided that I will have a heart cath on the 5th, then in two weeks do the carotid artery thing. They decided the sequence I was going to do would work, but this is better. I will be so cleaned out you will have to tie me down LOL. Ironically though I feel great, but it will be nice to get R done. Wife's comment, " at least someone is paying attention".
  7. I have always been grateful to the Coast Guard Auxillery commander, who taught the free six week boating course I took 20 years ago when I decided I wanted to boat and fish the Potomac. You had better have that little card in your pocket if you boat on the river and often wonder how many other bodies of water have such a requirement, or should. The best part of the course was final exam night, when his lovely wife served 20 of us the most incredible chocolate cake LOL. Go Coast Guard
  8. I remember all of the critics comments, but guess no one has one yet and has fished it.
  9. Anyone have one yet? comments?
  10. For many years my old stand by line was BPS Excel 14 lb green mono. I still use only BPS Excel 8lb mono on my spinning reels. Good, reliable line.
  11. For all of your thoughtful remarks on my surgery. I am blessed with a good doc. He diagnosed me last week after reviewing my CT scan and scheduled surgery right away. A man of action thank goodness.
  12. Vascular surgeon just informed my that on October 5 at 0730 he is going to operate on my right carotid artery to remove a partial blockage before I have a stroke. Nuts and with new bunk boards on my trailer. I will be grounded for two weeks after. I can't wait.
  13. I have two Curado 100 B's now 15 years old that are just as smooth as the day they came out of the box, but I have maintained them my self over the years with proper cleaning and lubing and they are all original inside. I had three and finally gave in to a friend, who bought it for $85 and thought he got a steal. The appearance of all three is a 10/10. He got the original like new box and its papers with it.
  14. Good stuff A-Jay, A few years ago I was 5 miles up on a Potomac tributary and encountered a 21 ft SeaRay dead in the water with a young couple on board. Fortunately, I had been educated on towing by the Coast Guard Auxillary commander teaching the boating safety course I took when I bought my boat. You better have proof of training if you boat on the Potomac. I did the hook up properly with the correct rope and I warned them it would be a very long ride to their launch site 13 miles away on the other side of the Potomac up another tributary. Away we went with my 17'6" G3 and 60hp Yammie. I quickly learned how fast I could go before prop slip and it sure was not very fast LOL. Anyway, after a very, very long time on the water we finally arrived at their launch at a little county park on the tributary. He pulled a wad of $20's from his pocket and wants me to take them. I declined and told him I had an obligation to help them on the water. We finally settled for $20 for gas. We both went away happy.
  15. Are you referring to pressing down the thumb release bar? Have you had it apart, or did this just happen?
  16. Here we go on KVD L&L. It does not come off. This is from the company: "Line & Lure is a special polymer blend that becomes part of the fishing line it is applied to. Other line treatments you find on the market are primarily silicone oil and solvents. Silicone oil only temporarily coats the line and solvents can damage line. Silicone oil rapidly comes off the line (on your hands and in the water), requiring re-treatment of the line after just a few casts. The special polymers in Line & Lure are hydrophobic (water repelling) and very slippery. It doesn't allow water to draw back on to the reel spool, which eliminates the line drag that a "wet" spool has. It also protects the line from wearing out as quickly as un-treated line because it resists the abrasion that wears line out. It contains no oils or solvents as in Reel Magic that can build up and collect dirt like silicone/oil treatments will. "
  17. I am always usually alone, so I have always backed in so the water is at the top of my side guides, then hop on the boat from the floating tide dock, tie on a stern rope to a dock cleat, crawl over the bow and standing on the trailer frame I unhook the bow strap, hop in to back of my truck, slide over the side to the boat ramp then back it in to a "float off". Sounds like a lot to do, but only takes minutes Before I clear the ramp of the truck (if no one is waiting) I pull the boat out to a further cleat, tie it off and start the engine to warm up while I park the truck. I am really fortunate in that there are two state park launch ramps, each more than double wide with a floating tidal dock on each side of the ramp. You could launch a battleship LOL.
  18. I will run some tests to see if this happens. The company says do not power load but I did with no problem at all. When I gunned it up to the bow roller it did not move allowing me to hook up the bow strap
  19. Finished the new bunk install with no problem. The remaining bunks were totally rotten under the slick covers and upon removal easily broke in half. I power loaded the boat with no problem, crawled over the bow and hooked up the bow strap and away we went (after I got in the truck that is)
  20. I am indeed fortunate for when chatter baits came along I already had been enjoying an incredible KVD 7' MH spinner bait rod, which handles them really well.
  21. I have been using a Curado 200 I HG, 7.2:1 spooled with 832 simply because I had it available and so far it has worked really well. I forgot to add that I did change the drags to Carbontex and so far it has handled a 10lb snakehead and a couple of big cats with no problem. The spinnerbaits did not fare well though LOL.
  22. Tuesday they will all be replaced with Ultimate Bunks. You cannot tell it, but the remaining bunks have rotted under those slick covers. They were nice the nine years they lasted and came that way with the new Bear galvanized trailer nine years ago.
  23. Another vote here for a double uni and end of problem.
  24. You can see the 5' bunk just fell apart as did the one to its left, but looked normal until I lifted up on it and it just disintegrated. Bear Trailers put the slick covers on them and it worked for 9 years, but actually hid the wooden bunk disintegration.
  25. How encouraging to see a young guy like this into fishing. Good job dad.
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