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Everything posted by OnthePotomac

  1. I am on my third, 1000yd of Invizx 15 lb flouro spool from Amazon and it has all been fine and saved me a ton of money.
  2. I would second the Chronarch MGL, which I have in the XG speed (8.1:1) It is one fantastic, effortless reel you can fish comfortably all day. I throw Senkos and other plastics on mine. Just simply really well engineered and well built.
  3. I am tidal Potomac river oriented because I can be on it in 15 minutes and it has miles and miles of different areas to fish, so unless I read and article by a pro who has spent time on the river and expounds on a particular lure he used, which was really successsful I am not interested in what he did on lake X. After 20 years on the river though I rarely find a new "hot bait" being used.
  4. Well, I am odd man out with 10lb flouro on my SLX XG. 10lb mono backing.
  5. I use two 3701 boxes, one for swim jigs and one for chatterbaits.
  6. I have a 1953 Pflueger SkilKast reel in perfect shape with a worm gear, but no brakes. So far it just sits on the shelf.
  7. This is mine. Either 4/0, or or 5/0 depending on toad size.
  8. To further your education on the subject, recommend you pick up the recent Winter Edition of Bass Angler Magazine, in which there is a great article by Matt Allen on winter jig fishing
  9. The Rage Tail Thumper worm in the summer. They come 10" long, but I cut about 1.5" off, Texas rig it on a Gammie EWG 4/0 hook with a 3/16th bullet sinker and in murky water they love it. Easy to find.
  10. Another one of those things that depend a lot on personal choice flavored with the science that says generally the colors which are proven to provide the best water clarity under various conditions. In my case my eye surgeon treating the one eye I have left for the last 25 years recommended amber lenses for it. I just do with Cocoon fit overs now and they work just fine for the good eye. I keep two pair in the boat bag (aviator style), a pair in the truck and a pair in the family car.
  11. I have a jumbo spool of it on my line peg board that is 6 years old and i am still spooling reels with it each year with no performance failures at all. My jumbo spool of BPS 20lb Mono is 19 years old and still going strong.
  12. Then you remember how that stadium used to physically have a rocking motion when the fans would get wound up. My wife used to say that now she understood what Redskins fever is.......Budweiser.
  13. Shimano recommends that on their high speed reels their ACE 2 drag grease should be used on the gears. Cal's will also work well. Amazing what a difference it can make. I now have 10 "high speed" Shimanos and have never had a gear problem.
  14. The A rig is forbidden on the tidal Potomac, so I will never know, but that is a heavy rod for 1-4oz and up to 30lb line, so I don't know whey it would not do the job.
  15. And make sure the drive gear drag will fit in the new gear properly, as well as the key washer.
  16. He lives in my home state, Michigan, which is loaded with small mouth lakes he fishes all the time. Go on U Tube for a variety of his fishing, Lots of largemouth videos.
  17. I received my Scorpion 19 (MGL)150 HG about three weeks ago and it is one sweet reel. Completely salt water safe and a little smaller than a Curado 200K as a 150 size and very comfortable in my hand. It holds 120yds of 14 lb, so plenty of line. I spooled mine with 12lb Invizx(.011) and tested it standing on the bank of a small lake near me throwing a Senko and it handled it very well.
  18. Anyone looking for a great home defense weapon I recommend the Smith and Wesson .45 Cal Governor. It is the counter to the Judge and you have to buy the really expensive Judge to get a six round wheel, but the Governor comes with a six round wheel, shoots a cowboy .45 and .410 buckshot home defense rounds. It is also a whole lot lighter than a Judge and fits in my wife's hand nicely. Having been an Army wife of 31 years, she has fired my Army .45, a Thompson sub machine gun and the old Army .45 blowback operated "grease gun", so she is really comfy with her Governor. Her carry is a .38 Special, five round, steel frame, Charter Arms, which I bought for her in 1970 for $60, new. when I left for VN. Can you believe Charter Arms still makes the same gun.
  19. Picked one up on sale at BPS 15 years ago. Spins on a well built BB race on the bottom and the rubber/plastic rod clips on the top circle are still in perfect shape. I have 12 rods with rod covers and reels mounted with reel covers in it right now in every other slot and there is lots of room for them.
  20. On the tidal Potomac it is generally 40-50 degrees.
  21. Wow, I never put that much thought in rigging a baby and regular brush hog. I Texas rig it with a Gammie EWG, put on a 3/16th bullet sinker and let it fly. What ever i am doing works fine.
  22. Every thing I have is in either a 3600 Plano if plastic, or a 3700 plano if anything else and just take what I will need for the day/season. Usually eight 3600's of plastics in an old gym bag, which tucks under a deck step I added to the main deck, however many 3700's I need for the day either in a BPS bag, or held together with a luggage strap and dropped in a big starboard hatch. This where it all stays otherwise.
  23. After I watched A-Jay do his I did mine for my 17'6" G3. The boat weighs 900lbs and no problems getting it off, or back on by myself. It does not go anywhere on its own. Sorry for the double pic.
  24. OnthePotomac


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