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Everything posted by OnthePotomac

  1. At least another month, or longer.
  2. Thank you fellow anglers for your kind remarks.
  3. If you are anxious to contract a biological infection go ahead.
  4. Recent issue with an article on the Great Lakes has Lake Huron map as Lake Hudson.
  5. Since I dumped on everyone weeks ago, thought I would bring you up to date. I now sport three stents in my heart and had carated artery surgery two weeks ago to open a blockage. I am dead, dogged tired all the time and my trips right now are from chair to chair and hope that changes. Came off a powerful beta blocker two weeks ago and I know that is nasty stuff. Hell getting old guys.
  6. The best, most informative magazine out there.
  7. C A V U Clear and Visibility Unlimited
  8. I know as a fellow Michigander, A-jay will agree that this is not so far fetched as over the years the Coast Guard has had to do many idiot ice rescues
  9. Angler A is wiping down his new boat with a 300hp merc at the dock when Angler B pulls in beside him to wipe down his boat. Angler B turns to Angler A and compliments him on what a great rig he has. Angler A says that it sure is and he just had it out to check on the performance and it was great, to which Angler B responds that it sure was and he could tell he was really hauling butt as he went by him.☹️
  10. You should consider that if there is ice that bad on a ramp there will ice on the water somewhere and no fun to hit at speed.
  11. I do not have your boat, but I have had the Pro 175 with a 60 hp Yammie 2-stroke for 20 years on the Tidal Potomac and even though I am a weather watcher before launch, I have come out of a calm tributary on occasion and had to navigate 3 miles back across the river to the state park launch with 3 ft breakers. You become an expert at quartering the breakers at a very slow speed and depending on if you are quartering waves on the port, or starboard you will get very wet. The Potomac is mostly 5-6 deep outside the 20-39ft deep shipping channel, so there are no rollers, just nasty chop, one right after the other, but if you do it right, you will make it safely. It is a rare occasion when it happens, but we are close to (30 miles) the Atlantic in my section of the river. On those days I wished I had purchased a V-hull. At 10mph the river white caps and at 20mph you are in trouble, but I love the river and respect it.
  12. After A-Jay did his boat I did my Bear Trailer with the high density polyurethane Ultimate bunks with the same aluminum channel for the bolts. You are talking life time bunks with these things. 1 3/4" thick without the aluminum bolt channel, I installed them in the parking lot with another fellow in less than one hour. My original bunks (2@60" and 2@95") came with heavy vinyl wrapped 2'x4's. and lasted 20 years before they completely rotted away from the Tidal Potomac. BTW, no such thing as the boat (900lbs) sliding off on its own.
  13. Water quality/temp a really, really big factor
  14. I spent a week with my brother fishing out of his 17'6" Tracker with down riggers for kings a few years ago out of Rogers City, Michigan on Lake Huron and wondered every day if there was any one there who did not have a Whaler and for two days wished to heck my brother had one as I was looking at the top of a Huron roller way above my head.
  15. Agree. My G3 Pro175 with a Yammie 60 2 banger is 20 years old this month and aside for having to replace the trailer (river salt) I have had a trouble free rig. I don't even use gas additives, just top off the tank for winter storage and the Yammie, now with 350 hours on it, starts right up 16 weeks later in the spring. The rig has been stored outside, double covered, at the state park the whole time. I would easily give it a 10/10 in appearance, inside and out. I love when someone at the launch site asks me if it is a new boat.
  16. I am fortunate in that when I purchased a new galvanized trailer for the G3, to replace the original Bear the Potomac ate (salinity) in only 9 years, it came with a removeable tongue to my surprise. There is a key lock at where the tongue meets the trailer main frame and the tongue then slides off and the trailer lights unplug there. So glad for this feature. The lock and lights plug never get in the water.
  17. When I upgraded my TM I bought large diameter vinyl chair skids at Lowes, cut off the mounting spike and cemented them over the old holes with marine adhesive. Four years now and going strong.
  18. I saw a picture on another site of four of them hanging on the stern of something. Power
  19. Got my Chronarch MGL with $50 for a BPS reel and gift cards. Good program.
  20. I picked up a gram scale years ago and weigh every thing on it; baits, rods, reels and sinkers.
  21. And that would be .81 oz
  22. If this will help, I have a 2000 G3 Pro 175 and changed the factory 14 pitch aluminum prop on the 2 stroke 60 to a 13 pitch, cupped, SS three blade and boat loaded with full 21 gallon tank, gear, adult daughter and 150lb me and on a flat water day, depending on the air temp (carbs), I might get to 35mph, but it usually hovers at 32 to 34 GPS. I keep the trim at 5500rpm. That prop works great.
  23. Mizmo 4" tubes in green pumpkin gold flake and green pumpkin black flake, Texas rigged on a 3/0 EWG Gammie with a 3/16th slip sinker on 15lb Invizx line. On a bait caster.
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