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Everything posted by baluga

  1. Hmmm... first was carrot stick, then citrus stick and now a Lemon lime stick. Rods are sound more like finger foods and cocktail drinks. I won't be surprised that they will come up with a green colored rod and call it Celery stick. But no, I have not heard of it. :-[
  2. Yep. No reason to mess with perfection. I had a bad experience using acetone as cleaning agent, I accidentally spilled some on our formal dining table and it made a permanent marking on the finish. Another one is the splatter marks on my study/work table finish from the splatter of break cleaning agent. These are some of the reason why I go for goo gone. But the main reason is that those acetone, carb and brake cleaners freeze and cooked up my skin everytime my hands gets in contact with them. ok.. i'm gonna try it putting the seals back and check the placement. Thanks!
  3. Was probably one of the many another products with a name close to the Goo Gone, like Goo Off (very heavy in the skin irritation area). what he said. Try the goo gone that has a label citrus power. It smells like citrus. I mentioned it as safe cleaning agent, compared to carb cleaner and brake fluid. Crab and brake cleaners stings when it get contact on skin with cut, not like the goo gone. So if it does not hurt your skin I'm pretty sure it could not damage those stainless steel bearings in the reels Orange Seal bearings IMO arent know to just sit n spin with the seals still installed. a good steel ball bearing will IMO "free spin" longer than the Orange Seal bearings. other than that, .RM., and bronzefly with a few others are proven techs. i personal would go back and read as many of their posts as possible if you like to service your own gear. Oh yeah...that is correct, the ceramic bearings are lighter and would not spin faster than a steel ball bearings. I'll check the boca threads..thanks...
  4. If you are going to use it for top water lure, like the spook, I'd go with the discountinued Chronarch 50mg. I got the Core 100MG and it just don't feel right when doing a walk the dog Some tackle shops still sells them on discounted price. I paired the Chronarch 50mg w/ phenix mbx 6'6 heavy, fast action and it's a sweet combo, I can do the walk the dog for half day w/o any fatigue in my wrist. I tried it with the core and somehow it does not feel comfortable, I guess it because the core has elongated profile of the core and the rounded profile of the chronarch 50mg that I can palm better. JMHO btw, somehow the Chornarch feels smoother in casting and retrieving.
  5. I happen to compare the bearing cleaned with Goo Gone with a new set of ABEC 7 ceramic orange seal bearings, the result is: the one cleaned with Goo Gone spins longer than a factory Lube dried ABEC 7 bearings. You just got to try it. The best thing about it; you would not get that feezed/cooked up skin when the cleaning agent gets into you hand/skin compared to the carb and brake cleaners.
  6. If you are worried about using carborator cleaner or Brake cleaner on your reel bearing since it can easily damage plastic part near the components, try using GOO GONE! I've used it and the spool bearings are spinning faster and longer. Now I use both the GOO GONE The GOO GONE dissolves those sticky residue from the reel oil. FYI, brake cleaners are more effective than carb cleaners, brake cleaners do not leave residues like carb cleaners do. But the GOO Gone, oh... you just need to try It. I compared the revo inshore that was initially cleaned w/ brake cleaner and a tiny bit of corrosion x, I Spin the spool and it does a good spin but not long enough that I have to wait till it completely stop. I cleaned the same bearing with goo gone and install it again, spin the spool and I was amazed on the speed and it took a looong while before it completely stop. You'll be surprised with the results. The goo gone itself is made out of oil so you can have the option to skip adding reel oil.
  7. Great! I'm going send that email right away! Thanks a bunch! 8-)
  8. i'm able to completely dissassemble curado e5 and a revo inshore but with the core 100mg, shimano have totally change the where the screws are. I can only find two of them but the rest I could not seem to figure out. :-[ The good thing about shimano, I could always sent it to service if ever I mess it up although it could cost me $35 for the service and the shipping. :'( Thanks for the advice though
  9. How do you open up a shimano core to replace the drags? I got the schematics but still can't seem to figure out where are all the screws :'( Thanks in advance
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