Was probably one of the many another products with a name close to the Goo Gone, like Goo Off (very heavy in the skin irritation area).
what he said.
Try the goo gone that has a label citrus power. It smells like citrus.
I mentioned it as safe cleaning agent, compared to carb cleaner and brake fluid. Crab and brake cleaners stings when it get contact on skin with cut, not like the goo gone. So if it does not hurt your skin I'm pretty sure it could not damage those stainless steel bearings in the reels
Orange Seal bearings IMO arent know to just sit n spin with the seals still installed. a good steel ball bearing will IMO "free spin" longer than the Orange Seal bearings.
other than that, .RM., and bronzefly with a few others are proven techs. i personal would go back and read as many of their posts as possible if you like to service your own gear.
Oh yeah...that is correct, the ceramic bearings are lighter and would not spin faster than a steel ball bearings. I'll check the boca threads..thanks...