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Everything posted by baluga

  1. I would go with the round reels, like the Calcutta's. It has more potential to have that wow factor, instead of the low profiles. There's too many version of the low profiles already. Someone coming up with a Carbon fiber Calcutta GTE would be like beating the Conquest model easily.
  2. Turn them all off only when I forgot to do reel maint and the bearings are sticky and not getting enough casting distance.
  3. If your using the old PP then switch to PP S8S. The old one is noisy, the S8S is rounded and smooth and quite.
  4. Yep, the avid is tip heavy. I added more counter balance at the butt end to make it feel comfortable for me.
  5. This guy got skills.. mad skills http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=drift+parking&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=B5CD5BD2ACF0FCD482D5B5CD5BD2ACF0FCD482D5
  6. Mono to mono - Bloodknot Braid to Braid - Bloodknot Mono to braid - Alberto knot
  7. Nice citation ! We try to avoid citation here in California coz Citation only means a ticket of fine from DFG for fishing with expired license or fishing in protected area and other violation .
  8. Lunch break that I always wish ! Nicely done!
  9. Finally got a chance to go back to Philippines for a vacation and family reunion. Stayed half of the time in Makati, boy the whole place changed after 15 years. I could easily get lost here. Finally got to my sister's rest house in Caliraya Lake at Laguna. The road to the place I had a great time. The weather is Caliraya is fantastic. It's more of a rain forest setting, drizzle in the morning for half an hour and the sun comes out to brighten the day. It's always windy and the breeze cools the air. The house is between waters from the west and the east side. I got at least six black bass during my stay there. Most of them are caught in weightless 5" senko and 5" YUM worm. I tried all types of topwater lure to get a mud fish/snake head family but would not get them to bite. I actually have not spotted any. I think I found a place to retire: Thanks for reading
  10. Yes you need toInclude the drag star Clicker assembly.. Should come out like this:
  11. Sugar free candy AD Telescope AD:
  12. LOL! good one slonezp
  13. Definitely missed the joke. You are over thinking it.
  14. Great job! Bravo!
  15. Crocs is a brand name for a sandals... I hope you like the joke.
  16. Yes for dipping baitcaster pinion bearing in TSi 301 with the intention to use in Fresh water only, That would be would hold up pretty good. TSi301 bonds into the metal like a micro thin film to protect the bearing.
  17. Instead of replacing the reel, you can try adjusting the balance of your setup by: Here’s a cheap and easy way to balance without damaging or drilling holes in the butt end of the rod. Materials: 1. Shoe Goo 2. A dime (to fill butt ends with cavity like Cumara) 3. Quarters as counterweight. 4. Felt tip/pads ( the one that you use for the chairs ) size of a quarter. Here’s some pix. You can always removed the weights by making a loop with a braid line on the dried glue between the butt end and the quarter and pull the braid slowly until it cuts off the glue. If it needed more than 3 quarters, it would be best to buy those butt caps and put the quarters in and plug the thing to the butt end.
  18. WOW! You sure got a lot of nerve to post like this considering you are nubee in this forum. Must be PUI. Can somebody please lock this thread now...
  19. Now that's the one I've been thinking of how to quickly dry the AR Bearing after flushing them with kerosene. Air blowing with cannister consume too much canned duster. Thanks for the tip.
  20. Congrats! you'll gonna love that combo.. I got the same combo but with the first gen DX704. Surprisingly the CORE 100 Mg holds up pretty well on saltwater surf fishing.
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