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Everything posted by baluga

  1. White Seabass from the surf.
  2. Good one!
  3. I'll go for the 50E, a lot of fun for inshore fishing, load it with 20# S8S braid. It can withstand the saltwater. I use mine in saltwater. Just grease the inside walls and gears the first time you use it, plus always wash it after using. I even use my CORE 100 in saltwater fishing.
  4. baluga


  5. Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on beds next to each other, waiting outside the operating Room. The first kid leans over and asks, 'What are you in here for?' The second kid says, 'I'm in here to get my tonsils out and I'm a little nervous.' The first kid says, 'You've got nothing to worry about. I had that done when I was four. They put you to sleep, and when you wake up they give you lots of Jell-O and ice cream. It's a breeze.' The second kid then asks, 'What are you in here for?' The first kid says, 'A circumcision.' And the second kid says, 'Whoa, good luck with that one, buddy! I had that done when I was BORN ... Couldn't walk for a year.
  6. Never had an issue, as long as you stay on highly recommended premium reels, there would not be a problem buying without touching it. But for rods, definitely need to hold it to check the balance, weight and feel.
  7. I got the first gen CH50Mg and use it in saltwater. It was rated saltwater safe but the housing corroded after a year. I called up shimano service and explained what happen and they ask to send it in. After 3 weeks the reel is on my door step with the new upgraded body frame for free. Pretty cool huh!
  8. True that! Vanish breaks just when it really matters.
  9. Cool! That's something that rarely happens, more like drawing up the food chain cycle!
  10. Thank you all for the replies! Excellent for Sashimi !
  11. Epic day in SOCAL beach ! The gear: CH 50 Mg on Custom Acid Rod (Shikari rod blank) P684 with Sufix 832 plus 6ft of 12# FC Leader. Lure: Sebile Magic Swimmer 125. 25" 23" 34" Backyard shot
  12. No, it should not get hot cause it bounce of the heat. It is just like fishing your usual gold shimano Calcutta, the reflective surface does not reflects the sun light directly back to your eyes. If that is your concern.
  13. Conquest 100 on Phenix UMBX 606H
  14. Interesting; Shimano website says Braid PP capacity for CI4 is 10#/170yrds,15/145,30/95 and the CI4 2500 I spooled with PP S8S only holds up to 150yrds of 10#s. I'm just stating what my actual experience is on 10# PP s8s and not basing on what I read or hear. Just saying.
  15. Power Pro Super 8 Slick is actually thicker 10/4 - maybe 10/5 but not 10/2 - I spooled my CI4 2500 with 150 yrds filler spool of 10# PP S8S and it was spooled up to the brim just a tad above the spool bevel.
  16. Southern California Report: Water Condition: Incoming tide, cloudy, water is a tad murky with 2 – 3 ft of swell and it looks just right. The Lure: Beaten up LC FM 110 comes out with 3 broken hooks after the fight, one in the tail and two in the front plus bent hook considering it was already 2X owner hooks. Good thing the middle hook kept it from unbuttoning. The Story: Got to the sand around 7 am and checked out the water to see what lures would suit the condition. It looks good but a tad shallow so I started with Magic Swimmer 95. No hits for half an hour then I bump into another guy whose fishing LC and he said he got one short halibut. I replied; that's good they are around. I kept going North and He goes the other direction. After another 30 Minutes I switch to LC FM110 and got a shorty after half an hour. I was thinking, this must be what the other guy caught. After releasing the short halibut, I continued casting on the same spot until I got a thump! :shock: Set the hook and it gave me a couple of head shakes, I said to myself..hmmnn this could the right kind, a halibut but could be a little bit under 22", a short one since it's not giving a fight. Gave it a couple of jerk to secure the hook and it started peeling of drag and I was :shock: what! it could be a monster Halibut. I was grinning at this point since it keeps on giving me a good heavy fight with that familiar head shake. After 10 minutes of fight and it's not still giving up. Then my drag started peeling some more..It took out 70 yards and after another 10 minutes I said to myself this could be a foul hooked shovel nose shark but at any rate I want to get my lure back. I started putting some more drags to gain some line before I fish get tangled to the guys soaking bait 40 yards to my right. Finally I started gaining line but it still putting in some more good fight. I got him pretty close but still could not see colors until... OH MY.... ( One guy who was watching the fight took this one for me ) The Gear: Conquest 100 on 6’6” Phenix UMBX Heavy with 20# PP S8S Braid plus #15 FC Leader. The Prize: White Sea Bass The Length: The Lucky Guy:....
  17. you can easily toss a light lures/weightless lures.
  18. Braid with 4' - 6' mono or FC leader. Braid has zero stretch making it easier to pop that lure compared to straight mono.
  19. The Calcutta 100 is easier to palm and would be a good size for saltwater. I have the 50, 100 and the 200 and the 200 size is a chore palming it. The 100 is a lot better when palming. The 50 is excellent for palming but lack the capacity, I got spooled using a 20# braid, so I only use it on the harbors for topwater for Bonito.
  20. 3" Big Hammer swimbait on 1/4 Oz leadhead works great in both saltwater and freshwater.
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