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Everything posted by Nice_Bass

  1. to beat a dead horse, and also answer a couple of questions. One, go with the bigger boat and bigger motor. $1700 financed is nothing to your monthly payment. I currently have a tracker 175txw for 6 years different boat, but I regularly take mine on lake of the Ozarks. no issues whatsoever, just learn how to use your boat the right way. As far as having your wife on the loan it will do you no good if you are already approved. A cosigner will not improve your rate only help you qualify if your credit or debt ratios are off. DO go to your local credit union or bank and do not use tracker financing.
  2. I should be out there tomorrow I am hoping...looks like that will be it for me for this weekend though.
  3. 55 and dark water sounds like it will warm faster than the rest. I would fish it.
  4. Clinton Lake. water 52 by the plant, 63 party cove. Fish are midway back in the coves for the most part, or staging at the flats on the mouths of coves. All fish have been really fat... fast moving jerkbaits on the flats and spinnerbaits/jigs moving to structure/cover in the coves.
  5. I am on my 6th year. It does the job but wont buy one again. I could make a list of the issues I think it has, but that might not do someone else any good. The people in the back of my boat have never complained about fishing for free! (I don't fish tx's).
  6. If anyone needs to know how to not catch fish on Clinton I can most likely help out with that. Was out Saturday and no fish for the trip. First and hopefully last skunked day of the new season. Still need to get my boat organized as I am still running around on last year organization which made me more mad than anything. Luckily weather not great this weekend and should give me time to do it.
  7. Not sure about that... the game is way too different now with the way the offense runs as well as the rule changes. Hell, you put Vick in the Unitas days and I would bet he would be at the top of that list! As much as I dislike the Pats...Brady would/should probably sit at #1 Money comes into play when the owners would have to fork over quite a bit...and there are not many owners out there that listen to their front offices like they should! (Denver a big exception). under the right team it could work...but not many of those out there willing to fork the money over I would bet.
  8. Peyton will be in the booth I would bet. I am not sure he could be in the front office this soon as far as money as well as daily grind he would be put in. A couple years in the booth then maybe the front office. It was for sure time for him to retire however...he was a great player...keyword being was.
  9. Seems to be a lot of naysayers that really have no perspective. Weird. Anyhow, going to be coming up on 3 weeks soon enough without an e-cig which weaned me off of smoking for over a decade which came off of chewing tobacco. yeah, I guess vaping is only for hipsters! That being said, the transition from vaping was really hard, but looking back I still don't know if it would have been different from quitting smoking. I don't recall trying to do that being enjoyable either. As a heavy drinker it has been pretty tough to know what to do with myself in that regards...but I don't plan on giving up drinking anytime soon...and yes folks, I realize drinking can cause other health problems and I should not do it while pregnant. Got it.
  10. Yes but only been out once. It is either blowing 20-30mph or seems to be 30 degrees. I imagine I will be out pretty consistently from here on out however.
  11. Sangchris lake was not running power Monday and water was a muddy 45. Anyone know anything about this lake on when they pull?
  12. used one to quit smoking for 10 years. Was addicted to and "vaped'' all day every day for 2 years. Now I am a week and 2 days from not using it and I am fiending worse than I ever did when I tried quitting regular cigs. I was honestly tired of being so dependent on something everywhere I went... especially when fishing. Had to make sure to have batteries, juice, wicks, extras of everything etc. I cannot imagine what my actual daily nicotine intake was but it had to be huge, disturbingly so in fact.
  13. First day out this year on sunday. Hit Clinton. Water at the marina was around 45 fished in water from 45 until 49 or so. did not fish the hot water arm. Caught a limit of bass and brought home some white bass for dinner. Good start.
  14. Been hunting all fall and forgot to fish. hope all is well with you all...looking forward to a better next year than it was this year for fishing!
  15. caught some fish- but not really quality or quantity. Did not fish much though as I was with the family.
  16. this may be my next new boat...
  17. Swimming a jumbo chigger craw is great. Big bait that can be texas rigged on bottom and swam when needed to whithout changing setups. Berkley powerbait is hands down the best soft plastic line out there.
  18. I am a big fan of MG over MK but I do have a 55 and it is a solid motor- just wish mine was 36v and 101# anyhow, works well in the weeds, and you could always get a weed specific blade.
  19. not a picture worthy fish this weekend. But my first experience with this (all the while I just wanted to get my boat out of the water and head home). Ordeal took a little over 2 hours from start to finish.
  20. How would you hold a baitcaster if you are not essentially palming the reel. I palm it under all applications as a natural placement and the balance point of the setup. I guess I may hold the rod in front of the reel for real slow worm and jig presentations but still mostly palm 100% of the time.
  21. just a catfish and most likely smaller than you think. a little #10 channel will make you think you hooked a big fish. I would assume you have channels and flatheads in there and both when hooked will stay deep, dig and pull line. Best explanations are usually the simplest.
  22. I guess I don't personally understand. If you have a rig that is producing really well, then why change it with different weights to force it on a bait caster? I will be the first to admit I am not a finesse guy and don't through a spinning rod much- but I always have a couple in the boat because a weightless fluke is best thrown on a spinning rod. Change your setup to match the bait you are throwing, don't force it the other way around...
  23. inexpensive and realistic is almost oil and water. Especially if you are looking for something bigger. Flatback shad on a jig head works great and would have been what I said. cheaper "realistic" options by savage gear and spro will get you close to $10 though.
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