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Everything posted by Nice_Bass

  1. have not made it out recently- severe weather seems to be coming in at the times/days I am able to fish.
  2. thanks guys... now I want to go fishing.
  3. Ignoratio elenchi.... Presenting an argument of “but he is not Michael Jordan” is not a competent enough argument in this instance (or any, really) and misses the point to boot. No one is Michael Jordan…for a reason. It does not mean KD made the wrong decision. I think you also missed the part about the Bulls paying Jordan record sums of money for back then- and Jordan was a very ego and money driven player.
  4. He also retired in '93 only to come back for what used to be the greatest season... Being the competitor Jordan is...I would guarantee he would have left after the 1990 season. He also signed a 8 year contract and was the face of the Bulls, in a major market, with competent and upcoming players all around him that were going to be there for a while as well. Bulls paid Jordan to stay over and over...and often overpaid so that he would not go anywhere else in his later years '96/'97- ish. I just cant believe we give a guy such a hard time for putting himself in a position to win lol. Next time all you tx fisherman need to go out in your original boats, with your original gear, and go out there and beat those around you with it to show just how bad you want it lol. (I am kidding...of course).
  5. Smart move in that he is playing with players he wants to play with and who have been trying to convince him to come over already (according to green). Smart move in that he is going to be playing with a team that compliments him as well (the thunder did to an extent as well) in that he is a scoring monster but does not need the ball in his hands that often. Contracts coming up also puts him in a good time frame to do it now as he could get less in the future. finally, he stated himself that he wants to go to a new city and have a chance to grow and succeed. Something we all do in our own jobs as well. Maybe it is because I am in sales...but I certainly would be changing the company I work for if I felt I would have better success elsewhere. Again, I think it is his right to do so...Pouty fans and whiney owners don't get to make the decisions all the time...afterall this guy was drafted by them that does not mean he has to retire with them. Only thing I am mad about is the Bulls did not have a shot at him...but would have also been a poor move on his part.
  6. This is one of the dumbest hot takes I have read in a while. This is exactly the knee jerk fan reaction that keeps the power in the hands of the owners and not the players. This was a smart long term as well as short term move by KD to bring his talents elsewhere.
  7. Bluebird skies in earlier spring I may stay home. the rest of they year I have found it makes zero difference on how or where I fish as I am either fishing deep structure or finding bait or fish on electronics prior to even putting a line in the water.
  8. Consistent weather is the best weather! I fish deep and slow...but I do for most of the year aside for a couple weeks in the spring and a few more in the fall. Have not really seen thermocline set up yet 100% but I would be it should be in full affect (effect?) any day now.
  9. Spent some time yesterday afternoon dragging a 10in worm. Only had about 2-3 hours but caught a couple nice ones in the mix.
  10. Evergreen may be worth a trip for you in that case...serious monsters in there with smaller fish as well to keep you casting. On a plus side I usually catch a few 6 pound bass there every year as well throwing oversized baits. It would be hard to travel south though when a shorter trip is available to the north...lake is only 10 minutes north for me!
  11. I am well south of I80 lol...and my personal best muskies came from well south of I80 as well! Evergreen and Kincaid. Kincaid is not great for size but still a few big ones in there and Evergreen I don't like to talk about publicly...
  12. You will be fine with either and no need for a leader at all. if you are fishing moving baits then go with 12 if you need your baits to run fractionally deeper. Use 15# only if you think you are going to be throwing heavier baits, etc.
  13. My wife slays me when we both use spoons. she's Hispanic and must have more rhythm to her spoon than I do!
  14. same
  15. back of the boat is usually up front with me... or he knows what he's doing and no issues... or I tell him where to cast and what I am leaving him. I am pretty generous with leaving cover/structure for the back of the boat. Good friend of mine I take fishing with me very often is 90% blind (cant tie knots, casts poorly, etc.) but we still catch fish.
  16. no...just mid 30's maybe a follow by a 40 but for sure nothing bigger than that. Did bring up quite a few fish however so it was an exciting time. Headed back out Saturday for sure, maybe Friday as well. Hoping this heat we are going to have keeps everyone else off the water on the lake I am going back to (no swimming, etc. in this lake).
  17. caught a bunch of bass, walleye and a couple of muskies. Good day all around Sunday- just not getting out to be able to fish enough...Big one of the day was a great fish though!
  18. I usually have one compact jigging spoon- Hopkins shorty and one flutter spoon- Talon custom Lake Fork
  19. I did not break it up into 20 rounds of "cindy" this year and just did it straight. I did finish this year in 44 minutes and some change though. toughest part was finishing out the pull ups. I think that took me a solid 10 minutes anyway.
  20. it does not matter if you are directly fishing a bed or just casting into shallow water. If you are fishing during the spawn you are fishing bedding fish. Nothing to lose sleep over. (I actually don't bed fish much, but know I am catching spawning fish).
  21. honestly, spro has a good following and is affordable. I prefer a mini slammer for a rat bait though for around the same price point and you can throw it on all types of gear so my SB rods are left free and I can have it tied on at all times.
  22. This whole thread is one of the most baffling things I have ever read...
  23. almost 100% with pocket knocker. I find they are a bit expensive so I make my own now. buy a big weight (1 oz or bigger). add a small zip tie and zip it on with a swivel attached and trim off the extra zip material. Use the swivel to snap onto line once you are over stuck lure.
  24. eh...I think there are better brands out there based on action/design, durability, and price. (in that order) I just think the reason that you hear more about them now...is more people use them now.
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