See, the thing about nostalgia is it must be held in place by both the good and the bad.
Yep, My daughter never has to worry about not being able to go to the same school as her white friends, only has to look up where she can vote, and not if. Never will she be denied a credit card for being a women and being single, never will she get denied to an ivy league school for being a women, and last but not least, she will never have to worry about eating green jello salads.
you see, you may want to pick up that pet rock of yours; while we should not have to carry all the weight of the shameful side of Our history, we should always remember both sides of history and carry the knowledge and significance of it.
A good are only 15 years older than me...about the age of my daughter to put it in while I do acknowledge the shame of current generations, I also accept the great that comes from them as well.