I taught myself, and I was a lousy bass fisherman for quite a few years only have things like, Bill Dance, Roland Martin, ect to watch on "TNN" to learn from. The internet as near as full of information then. Up until abut 5 years ago All I really ever caught was small dinks, nothing really bigger than 1-1 1/2 pounds (with the exception of the 5 3/4 pound i caught when I was 12 I'm now 28). What I am getting at is read everything you can, and find what works best. For me, When I really started catching bigger fish, it was when I learned what patience was. I started fishing my worms slower and taking more time to work on the action. Same with spinner baits and buzzbaits, They work well, you just have to take the time to learn them at variable speeds. Good luck out there!!!