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Everything posted by sbrown

  1. Best of both worlds : ESPN tv exposure with a group that loves the sport running the company! This will be good. Now all of you who are members, put your sticker on your truck just like the old days! We got something to be proud of again.
  2. Clunns take on it was dead on. I think the new ownership at BASS will address the post season format. I hate it for Skeet, but you cannot take anything way from KVD. He was awesome and Skeet did not perform his best with a 4 fish day during the post season. As for the whole season, Skeet was the man. I would like to see Brent Ehrler qualify for the Elites. I read he is fishing the Northern Opens, so maybe it will happen.
  3. Roger Stegall has the most notoriety on Pickwick. He has a stable of guides, but if you can get Roger I would do it. He can give you a lot of insight on locating and patterning for larger fish.
  4. Either swing em over the side of the boat or net em then let the needle nose pliers do their work. Lipping bass with treble hooks boat side is dangerous work.
  5. There are Elite pros who rarely leave the shallows and for a good reason. Yeah deep structure fishing can be productive but the bass always find a way to fool us and show up where we least expect it.
  6. Whether pitching or flipping I am always doing it in cover primarily wood. I prefer hugging logs or flipping over limbs. I let my jigs dangle and usually get a reaction strike quickly. Worms will usually get worked a little differently. I fish creature baits like a jig. I keep my rod tip low enough to set hard when the strike is detected.
  7. When fishing the river ledges down here on the tn river lakes, these fish have seen every big worm, jig,and 6xd that can be thrown. I sometimes downsize my worm to finesse just to give a different look offshore.
  8. Hey I am ready! I am debating going this wed n Thur to pickwick they are really running current albeit very hot out there.
  9. Hey y'all. I am brand new to the site and I'm am new again to Bass fishing and have been fishing Pickwick every chance I can get. I hope to get to know some of y'all who are nearby and who knows, maybe go together some time. I have a Ranger and my son is about to begin school so I can go during the week. Hope to talk to y'all soon.
  10. Hey y'all. I am brand new to the site and thought this thread may be a good start since y'all are nearby me. I am new again to Bass fishing and have been fishing Pickwick every chance I can get. I hope to get to know some of y'all and who knows, maybe go together some time. I have a Ranger and my son is about to begin school so I can go during the week. Hope to talk to y'all soon.
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