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Everything posted by sbrown

  1. I spent the last two days on the lake. Caught 15 LM Monday early. I could only catch 6 today. All on ARigs. The bite died each day after 11. The temps were 45/46. Not seeing any shad dead or alive.
  2. Hey OG I sent you a pm give me a call
  3. Yeah, I bet there will be several running to Bear. I hope the pros I get paired with do also. I bought my Alabama license a couple of weeks ago in anticipation of fishing the middle of the lake more this year.
  4. I was curious how rough it was today and I'm sure the pros still put up with it. Thats what they do. Which ramp did you see Duckett and Hackney? I entered by calling BASS on the date they opened enrollment back in January. All the info about the marshal program are on the BASS website.
  5. As a Marshall!!! I was wondering if anyone else on BR was gong to be there? I am looking forward to seeing how these guys approach each day on water. I know it will be driving me crazy not being able to pick up a rod and cast, but it will be very rewarding I'm sure.
  6. Rolo is right. I have the navionics explorer and use it with my HB unit hotmaps. It is awesome!
  7. Someone always seems to find a load of em in the river.
  8. How'd the tourney go? I can imagine the bite was tough. I know tournaments at Pickwick are almost always won deep, but the lake is in such a flux right now. Did anyone figure em out today? I'd like to hear what they did.
  9. Hey if you bet back to making baits again, let us know. Sounds good to me. I'd like to own some of my own "secret weapons"
  10. I went yesterday and managed only 5 small ones. 3 on square bills 2 on senkos in 4 fow. The larger fish are schooled up on ledges but wind kept that hard to fish. The lake is still spilling at the dam and will keep the water muddy till it stops. Looks like another 1ft fall thru Saturday and the current is busting. I wonder if too much? I look forward to them shutting down the dam and letting the lake stabilize hopefully next week. With all the up and down the fish are freaked out. The shallow bite will be hard. Temps up to 57 but with a fast drop the quality fish are not in the warmer shallows that I can tell. Looks like crappie fishing for me this weekend and hopefully Pickwick will be back on mid week next week. Now the lake fish know how their cousins below the dam feel with all that current....
  11. There's 2 large tournaments on PW Saturday. With the sudden rise and forecast of 70 and sunshine, go shallow. The bass will be pushing up even further. If you can find water temps upwards to 57+ even better. Any temp reports? Water on Bay Springs was 50 today.
  12. Don't look now, but the 3 Day forecast shows Pickwick rising 4 feet by Saturday. I'm sure they are holding back water since upstream flooding is occurring in the Ohio valley. Nonetheless such a rapid rise will make for an interesting spring bite.
  13. how deep were the fish ? Were they bunched or scattered?
  14. Watch the weather and your schedule we'll hit em when it's right. It's still early, but warm weather should help accelerate things. Keep in touch.
  15. That's why I bought my son a lifetime sportsmans license when he was a baby for $300, wish it worked for me too.............
  16. Anyone interested and able to fish during the week? I have a 19' bass boat and all I ask is sharing the gas expenses. I fish only for bass these days. My favorite lake is Pickwick, but I am not tied to only fishing there. I am a 50 yo family man, don't drink, smoke or cuss (unless I lose a big fish) I have the ability to fish during weekdays when the crowds aren't too bad. Just send me a pm and I'll give you a call.
  17. My son and I are fishing a youth tourney there mid-march. I know the lake is very clear and very deep. Is there any color to the water on the upper end? I am unable to find much info about Bay Springs. I do have a Corps of Eng. Map and I have hot maps, but the detail is sparse. I'm just trying to find out how it "usually" fishes during pre spawn. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. I want to fish this weekend, but I've been awaiting to hear a positive report. I have all my stuff ready to go.
  19. My son and I went down to Bay Springs yesterday temps 41-45. We did as much looking around as we did fishing. Didn't see any dead Shad, but didn't see but one bass in 5 hours. It followed my spinnerbait back to the boat.....
  20. Yeah, I miss buck and bass in Memphis. The one in jackson still shows a number on google. You may want to give it a try. Unfortunately, for us, BPS is the only game in town. Glad to have one, but another large store carrying good tackle would be welcome.
  21. I fished the 22nd & 23rd during that last warm spell and managed some topwater, chatterbait and jerkbait action, but I'd say that has changed with the falling temps. I'm curious if anyones been lately and what's working.
  22. Lake Fork is one of the top bass lakes in the world. I am heading down there from Tennessee tomorrow with my 11yo son, who when given the choice, had his mind made up....."Lake Fork or bust" We are excited to spend. A few days on it hoping for that one big thump. But if we are fortunate enough to get into schools like you did, then that would be awesome! The mystique of that lake keeps you coming back. Thanks for sharing.
  23. I am heading down to Lake Fork with my son Wednesday for a few days, but I plan to hit Pickwick hard starting next week. I'd appreciate any feedback as y'all ifs it his week. I'll do the same next week. Wh knows, maybe we can het a few of us up there at the same time.
  24. Hey I'd like to it. I would probably fish it with my 11 yo son. My vote is for Pickwick
  25. Hey Tracker I sent you a pm . I cannot stand it, heat or not it's time to hook up and go!
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