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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I returned it to BPS. Now I know most of you know I work there, But that had nothing to do with me getting a refund. They would have done the same for anyone. BPS is very lenient with their return policy. Anyone who has ever had to return something knows that. Great place to work, great place to shop. Hootie
  2. Know exactly how you feel. A couple weeks ago, I broke about 4" off the tip of a G Loomis IMX. What a sickening sound. Got a full refund and purchased a GL3. I am now happy again.....lol Hootie
  3. I mean they are so expensive. Any justifiable reason? Don't tell me environment, I know all about that song and dance. What are the, {if any} real benefits, as it pertains to my fishing. I mean, really, nearly $8.00 for three 1/4 oz. sinkers? I don't get it, or am I missing something? Just asking, not trying to start an argument. I am all for buying them, if they accomplish a legitimate purpose. Hootie
  4. I had the same thing happen with a Lews TS last year. Fixed it and it has not been a problem since. Hootie
  5. That should keep you spending money on line. No way Jose. Hootie
  6. Looks like a photoshop creation to me.....lol Hootie
  7. Hey Capt.!, That's exactly what I would do. If it belonged to my Great Grandfather, no one would get their hands on it.. Of course, if it belonged to my Great Grandfather, it would probably be 200 years old....lol. I'm as old as dirt. Hootie
  8. Probably nobody!..... There, that should locate some users.....lol Hootie
  9. I will check tomorrow. I believe I have THAT very catalog. I have BPS catalogs and fliers dating back to 1978. Do you remember when B.A.S.S. had their own catalog and tackle supply called " The Outhouse"? I also have their catalogs. Guess I'm just a hoarder....lol Hootie
  10. You mean like this one. This is from my own collection. Bought it new around 1980. Hootie
  11. Thought you guys might like to see this. Notice who made them. Hootie
  12. Just read an article online that said you could use it on your lures as an attractant. Me, I'm not buying that one. What do you guys think? Just remember, "you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true"......lol Hootie
  13. X10....Lately I've been using Abrazx, and Red Label, and I like them both. Hootie
  14. 1. Roland Martin's.......Oh Son!! 2. Jimmy Houston's constant...... Yuck! Yuck!! 3. Iconnelli's temper tantrums..... 4. And last but not least......Why does Zona have to kiss everybody?........eewwww!! Hootie
  15. You can get a Wild Card for your GL2 thats lets you get a new rod if it breaks regardless what caused it. Just go to their web site and print the form and send it in. takes a few weeks to get the card, but once you have it, if the rod breaks, just take to any dealer that carries the rods and get a new one, no questions asked. Hootie P.S. I am assuming you are talking about the new GL2's with the split grip.
  16. All's well that ends well. Got problem taken care of without spending a penny. Without going into any further detail, new rod is on the way...... WHEW!!! Hootie
  17. No user error here. I baby every rod and reel I own. I have 20 yr. old reels that look like they were just purchased. I actually get kidded about being so meticulous.
  18. That's what I would have thought since I have done that soooo many times with bass that small. Of course, I wouldn't even attempt it with larger fish. Hootie
  19. Went fishing today. The good part.....My son and I caught 20 bass between us. The bad...... Broke about 7" off the tip of my G Loomis IMX rod. Did a no no. Thought I would be safe lifting a 12" bass over the side of the boat.....WRONG!! I've done it hundreds of times with never a problem.... NOT TODAY!! Oh well, guess I'll just have to eat it. Life goes on. Hootie
  20. I have one of those fishing watches. Have been using it for two years now. You have to set it up for your region. I have found, ( from my experience ), when it says the fishing will be good, it is usually rotten. When it has no fish showing, I typically have my best days. Hootie
  21. I have been having a blast with my trash curados. Catching a lot of bass, trash bass I suppose. By the way, if anyone wants to throw theirs in the trash, my trash cans are available. Hootie
  22. I used to fish paylakes for catfish back in the 60's. A co-worker asked me if I had ever been bass fishing. Since my answer was no, he offered to take me. I accepted, and the rest is history. Caught my first bass on a black 5/8 oz. Hula Popper, about 1 1/2 #. That was several thousand dollars ago....lol Hootie
  23. Yes, and I am sure we are all posting, using American made computers, and cell phones, made using American made parts and "good ol" American technology........NOT!!.....lol Hootie
  24. How about this. A reel geared so, no matter how long your cast, one turn of the handle brings your lure, or fish to the boat. Hootie
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