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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Just curious, when I PM another member, is our conversation private, or are the Mods able to view it also? Hootie
  2. You jest...lol, but in the late 1800's in Dr. James Henshall's "Book of the Black Bass", they actually believed bass came out of the water at night to forage fo food. Dr. Henshall was a medical doctor. Sounds like might have been writing his own prescriptions....lol. Hootie
  3. Thanks RW. That is an awesome knot, and I love that website. Hootie
  4. Thank you 21 farms. I apologize JD96 if I made you mad. Just picking on you a bit. I deleted 2 of my previous posts. Besides, Hey, you got a good deal, and the OP did not seem one bit upset. Besides, all's fair in love, Ebay, and bass fishing, right. Also, I would not want to get the Mods on my tail, or have anyone on this forum coming after me. Heck, everybody on here knows where to find me...lol.... and I do mean...LOL. Hootie
  5. No you're not...lol. You jumped right on it as soon as made his original post. SHAME SHAME!!! Hootie
  6. That sounds like a logical answer. Thank you. Hootie
  7. Awesome, great job. Congrats!!! Hootie
  8. Why not just have a diver below each boat out for the day, with a couple of 10# ers, to hang on your bait, then say, okay, reel. It's the hunt, the challenge, the potential for failure, or success, the mystery, the anticipation. Those are the things I enjoy. I want to know, if I EVER catch a 10# bass, that I did it. Otherwise it means nothing to me. Just my take. Hootie
  9. Where did this superstition come from? I hear it mentioned now and then. What is the story behind it? Where and when did it originate? Who did it originate with, and do you adhere to this superstition? Would really lile to hear the story. Thanks, Hootie
  10. I had 2 IMX's, replaced one with the GL3 when one IMX broke. I already had 2 GL3's. I personally prefer the GL3's hands down over the IMX's. To each his own I suppose. Hootie
  11. I have a Curado 50e mounted on a G Loomis GL3, (not GL2) and absolutlely love it. It's a MBR 783C, 6'6" MH. Would work great for what you want. $220.00 to your door from American Legacy. Hootie
  12. John, I am retired, and I'm okay financially, but if I used up $50.00 in plastics in one day, I wouldn't get any sleep that night. It would just bug the crap out of me...lol. I quit using Chigger craws because of bluegills constantly nipping the flappers off. Too cost prohibitive for me. But I do agree with your point. I spend WAY more than is necessary on rods & reels, Shimano, Loomis, Lews,.... the list goes on and on, then skimp on a $5.00 pack of plastics. I guess it's just a mind thing with me. And I am ashamed to admit, I even get my Berkley products half price. Stingy at one end, frivolous at the other....lol. Hootie
  13. And about the smoother question. In my opinion, not enough that it matters. At least, not $60.00 worth. Hootie
  14. Yes, I have both reels. Four PQ's, and one JMS. Had 3 JMS reels, but gave 2 to my son. I would not let go of the PQ's. Really don't know why, since I use mostly my Shimanos and Lews. Just something about those PQ's that says hang on to them for now. Hootie
  15. My choice, (and I work at BPS) would be the PQ Carbonlite combo. The reel is a proven winner, and the Carbonlite is one of the lightest rods around. An excellent combo for the money. Hootie
  16. I liken sensitivity to "The Emperor's New Clothes". It's not real, but if everybody says it is, then we convince ourselves it is. So drink the kool aid and enjoy...lol. The very least we can do is enjoy our toys as much as the toy manufacturers enjoy our money. Hootie
  17. I'm waiting for rods for 6" worms, and different rods for 7 1/2" worms. Rods for 1/4 oz. jigs, different rods for 3/8 oz. jigs, etc. etc. It will happen eventually, just watch. And remember, you heard it here first....lol. How about worm color, specific rods. Hootie
  18. My BPS is 5 min. from the lake I fish, which is both convenient and dangerous....lol. Hootie
  19. Uh oh! Here we go again..... Uhh, let me start. I say it shoudn't count. After all, he was fishing for walleyes...lol. Hootie
  20. I have the Savvy, and the Champion series. The Savvy gets the most use. I say, fish your own feelings, not someone else's. Hootie
  21. I have my buddy to meet me a half hour before I plan on leaving. That way, if he is not there when I am ready to leave, my buddy, who is already a half hour late, gets to fish in the driveway. P.S. He only fished the driveway one time. He's always on time now...lol. Hootie
  22. Isn't it GREAT.... AH!! Life is good...lol. I think I have almost as much fun watching you guys spend money, as I do spending it myself. NOTICE!! I said ALMOST.....lol. Hootie
  23. My baits cost anywhere from $4.00 to $12.00. I thought that was expensive....lol. BOY was I wrong!! Hootie
  24. I have used a few of the fluoros, that are noted for memory problems, and have found that a good dose of KVD Line contioner has always solved that issue, for me at least. Hootie
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