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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. WEIRD!!!....if something can be declared JUNK, simply because I don't like it, then everything I don't have is junk. Because I buy what I like. Like I said, I gave mine to my son, and he has used it almost 2 seasons, had NO problems, and he loves it. I liked the reel just fine. I just had way to many reels. Hootie
  2. I work at BPS, and I had all three of the reels you mention. Gave the JM Sig, and the Carbonlite to my son, but I wont let go of my PQ's. Hootie
  3. I like the looks of that kinky beaver. I'll pick up a couple packs. Thanks, Hootie
  4. Not boring me Bill. Been through the prostate radiation treatments myself, 25 of them to be exact. Followed by seed implants, then 2 rounds of hormone therapy. So I definately know what you are going through. Some days ARE much worse than others. All started for me 3 yrs. ago. So enjoy your shopping Bill, and enjoy being alive. When I looked at the autumn leaves 3 yrs. ago, I wondered if I would be here to see them the next year. But here I am, and I take no part of life for granted. So you hang in there buddy, and I am so sorry, if I offended you. Hootie
  5. The fish are out there just waiting for you to throw the right lure along with the correct presentation so why are you still here? Starting to wonder this about you Bigbill. C'MON, stop shopping and go fishing....lol. Hootie
  6. Lots of great tips. Guess I am going to have to give them another try. Thanks a bunch guys. Hootie
  7. C'MON LMG...You know all you think about is, SHAAMAANOO....lol. Hootie
  8. I know most guys either flip or pitch these baits. I am a sit down fisherman, so those methods are out of the question. So, my question is, can you fish these like a plastic worm, texas rigged, cast and retrieve? I have tried this a few times with little to no results. Watching this bait in the water, it seems rather lifeless, so I just give up and quit after about 10 minutes. Just wondering am I giving up to quick? Hootie
  9. I've been working there for 3 yrs. now, and I still can't walk out empty handed. I guess I'm just trading my work for fishing gear. There ain't nuthin wrong with that....lol. Hootie
  10. Sensitivity = "Emperor's New Clothes".....lol. Hootie
  11. One word answer, necessary? NO! I posted before on another topic, I am neither here nor there on sensitivity. But I find the higher priced rods are usually a lot lighter, and I enjoy fishing with them. My opinion, if you want a sensitive, lightweight rod at a modest price, take a look at the BPS Carbonlite. Awesome rod. Hootie
  12. Agree with everyone else, Lews, or Curado 50e, if you can find one that isn't beat to pieces. Got them both, and both are great reels. Hootie
  13. Now, I can relate to that one....lol. And the weird part is, I don't use jigs that much. Good intentions, no follow through. I am basically a plastics guy. Hootie
  14. No, but a couple of months ago, I reeled in a broken rod, with spinning reel attached. Could tell it hadn't been there long. Cleaned and lubed the reel when I got home. It works great. My guess is a hot temper put this one in the lake. Probably frustration over a broken rod. Hootie
  15. That's the best answer. Or, you could buy a whole bunch of those China made reels for $1.09 someone has been talking about. Hey!, and maybe they have some combos, for about $3.00. Nah... the only Combos you can get for $3.00 come in a bag, and are very tasty....lol. Hootie
  16. Lews, Lews,... skip with my Lews, Lews, Lews,... skip with my Lews, Lews, Lews,... skip with my Lews, Skip with my Lews my darling...... tee hee hee. Sorry guys, had to do it. I've been a Lewser for 2 years now. Hootie
  17. I don't understand about the footballs, but what I meant, is when I am catching fish, it's GREAT! But even if they are not, I still enjoy the cool fall mornings, the colors of the leaves, and the foggy mist usually hovering over my favorite lake. Man, is that poetry or what...lol.
  18. One popular bass magazine, with every issue, has a, "throw this, don't throw this" list. Many times, I am having my best luck from a bait on the don't throw this list. Go figure. Hootie
  19. I don't have an answer, but I was just wondering why no one is responding to this young man's question. Surely someone could answer. Hootie
  20. Using that criteria, I can see that I wouldn't sell you anything. Sounds like I would wind up having to pay you to take it.....lol. Half price right off the bat, THEN deduct for wear....C'MON!!! Hootie
  21. I got a new one on Ebay for $119.00. Hootie
  22. I love being on the water in the Autumn, even if the fishing sucks. It is POSITIVELY my favorite time of the year. Hootie
  23. I knew there had to be some kind of award....lol. Hootie
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