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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I e-mailed a certain company about using their fluoro line, and how much I liked it, and requested a catalog. They sent me a catalog, 2 bulk spools of the exact size line I use, several decals, and a hat. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Hootie
  2. Never mind, I was thinking revo stx. Hootie
  3. From what I have been able to find, searching, they both are carbon fiber. So why do you prefer Carbontex if they are the same? Is there really any benefit in swapping them out? Hootie
  4. It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it...lol. Hootie
  5. There = a location, example, over there. Their = belonging to them, that is their logo. They're = they are, they're going to change their logo. THERE, get it. Hootie
  6. Now THAT'S funny. Love it!!! Hootie
  7. I have both the IMX, and the Mossyback. Both great rods. Also have a G Loomis spinnerbait rod, the GL2, and 3 GL3's. Of all those, the GL3's are my favorites. I replaced an IMX with a GL3. Hootie
  8. Same here, I have done 7 rods and still almost a full bottle. Hootie
  9. Rods, reels, roofs, and gutters, "OH MY"....lol. Hootie
  10. It can, but not always. Was fishing one day, catching a bass about 1 per hr. Came upon a point, and caught 11 bass in about 20 min. All the same size, about 12" or 13" long. Then it stopped. That school either hung there or I fished it out. I never fail to hit that point every time I fish, but that has never happened since. Hootie
  11. 17 days, end of Feb. first couple wks. of March. Hootie
  12. One day while fishing with my son in an aluminum rental boat, the fishing was really hot, and suddenly I had to go bad. My son, not wanting to leave our hot spot, suggested I crap in the boat. When I protested, he said, Dad why do you think they call it a "JOHN" boat. Hootie
  13. Wasn't refering to your post, but to John G's advice to you. I think your combo is a very wise choice. Hootie
  14. And when you wake up one day, and find you have all the finer things, but none of the necessary things, the finer things hit ebay at half price.....Let me guess, you are not a financial counselor. Hootie
  15. I guess.... teach a 15 yr. old priorities like that, he'll probably be homeless by the time he's 21. Hootie
  16. You are suggesting an $800.00+ combo for a 15 yr. old????....lol. Hootie
  17. Up in Westchester, somewhere in the vicinity of the old Voice of America field. Hootie
  18. Shimano Chimpanzee.....lol. I likeit!! Hootie
  19. In West Chester. Just a few more miles than I want to drive to work. I will still drive the extra to shop, just don't want to do it on a scheduled basis. Hootie
  20. It is actually. We are always among the top 5, in sales. It's just that they feel this new location will do much better, and I have to agree. It's right off I-75, catching all the traffic going north an south. As far as my job, no harm done, as I am retired, and this was just part time, something that was fun to do, and paid for my fishing tackle. I had been pondering hanging it up anyway, so this just made my decision easier. They are building this store, and it is going to be MUCH bigger than what we have now, complete with a pub and bowling. Hootie
  21. Well guys, the BPS where I work in Cincinnati is moving. We got the word yesterday. I guess I had a nice run, but looks like it's over. Not too far, but to far for me to drive. Hootie
  22. Abss man, abss, wake up!!......lol.Hootie
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