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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I found my mind in a brown paper bag within. Hootie
  2. I woke up this morning with the sundown shining in. Hootie
  3. I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.....yeah.....yeah....oh yeah....what condition my condition was in. Hootie
  4. So, the answer is "yes, no, maybe, probably, absolutely not"....on and on and on. Hootie
  5. My brother lives down there. Several years ago he took me to a lake called Thanotasasa. As I recall, it was a beautiful lake with some nice sized bass. We also fished the Hillsborough river. Nice, except the alligators kept me on edge. Hootie
  6. That's me, I gripe and buy them anyway. Why? Because they "flat work"!! Hootie
  7. Now that made me laugh! Hootie
  8. That's what I would call them...lol. Hootie No need to switch to one or the other. They each have their place. Hootie
  9. Had an "AWESOME" day yesterday. 19 hookups,.....13 made it into the boat. Four were 19''...looked like I was catching the same fish over and over. Two were 17" and 17 1/4". The rest were assorted 14 and 15 inches. Strike King Rage tail cut r worms "texas rigged" counted for the biggest. Zoom trick worms, "wacky rigged", got the rest. Tried to post some pics, but they still want to lay on their side. I did email them to myself, but it didn't help anything. Love those new "Mojo Bass" rods. Hootie
  10. I'm glad about that Darren. If it was, I would have been kicked off here long ago...lol. Hootie
  11. $119.99. Same price every place I have looked. Hootie
  12. Just ran over to BPS and picked up another one. That's it, I'm done now. Really I'm done...lol. Hootie
  13. I use plain old 8# Stren. It worked great yesterday. Hootie
  14. Bankbeater, you're a good son! Hootie
  15. Tabu reel manufacturers.....gotcha...lol. Hootie
  16. I bet it's the Curado i. Hootie
  17. Exactly, I say fish what "YOU" like. I would never spend a $100 bucks on anything just because someone else likes it. My preferences are based strictly on my experiences. It's all fishing, it's all fun. Now, that's the name of the game. Hootie
  18. Need = gotta have it...☆☆ It's a must...☆☆ Hootie
  19. That's exactly what I experienced. The new ones are light, sensitive and balance great with my Curado I. Hootie
  20. A few years back, I had a couple of these rods. I didn't care for them at all so I sold both of them. Well, Sunday I was at Field and Stream and spotted the new second generation Mojos. Bait Monkey grabbed my wallet and the rod and headed for the check out. I have fished this rod for the last two days. This rod is "AWESOME". The difference between this rod and the first generation Mojos is night and day. Do I need another one? No,......yeah, ........no,......yeah,....we'll see. Hootie
  21. Skunked, what's that? Hootie
  22. Normally, I fish with my son or I fish alone. Mostly alone. I'm long since retired, and he doesn't have the luxury of going fishing as often as I do. Hootie
  23. That was a dollar for a 12 pack of worms. Six, 12 packs for $5.34. Hootie
  24. Who Remembers when B.A.S.S. had their own mail order catalog. This one from 1979. Hootie
  25. Everyone on here knows I have nrx, glx's, and imx rods. Also Shimano Core's, Chronarchs, Curado's Calcutta's and Scorpion reels. Yet this season I have been using almost exclusively Berkley lightning rods and Citicas, yes, the dreaded "G" series Citicas. My fishing success has not suffered one iota. Neither in numbers or quality. The lightning rod has decent sensitivity and is light enough. Nothing at all wrong with a lightning rod. You don't have to have an $800 dollar rig to fish. It's really nice, but definitely not a necessity. Hootie
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