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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Just checked Gander mountain web site again. Still seeing $199.99 for the E series Chronarchs. Am I missing something? Hootie
  2. I looked, and all I saw was Curados. Hootie
  3. So far, this story is the saddest. Hootie
  4. I'm impressed,.......no..wait..... depressed. Hootie
  5. Mark, you crack me up....lol. I keep looking at it and imagining another one along side of it. Hootie
  6. Chronarch ci4, Lots of plastics, Jigs, Crankbaits, Luckycraft, Gary Yamamoto, etc., Seaguar Abrazx, Red Label line, Aluminum Pliers. BPS, TW, DSG, F&S, and American Legacy love me. Hootie
  7. That's it. Hootie
  8. I am never ordering ANYTHING from BPS if it is going to be delivered by Tony Stewart!...lol. Did you see that box doing those cartwheels? Hootie
  9. Got mine Wednesday. Put 12# Seaguar Abrazx on. Let's go "FISHIN". Hootie
  10. I would trade, but my decision is based on how much I like this CI4, not a comparison to the Daiwa. The last Daiwas I ever used was back in the 80's. Hootie
  11. Actually, with just backyard cat fishing, (my neighbors cat chases my practice plug), it cast perfectly right out of the box. It comes with 2 brakes on, didn't see any reason to change that. I set the outside dial on 2, and it was perfect. I can tell you, I know I'll be getting another. But I am going to let this one cool off before I tell my "UNDERSTANDING" wife....lol. Hootie
  12. You know, my wife understands too. For that, I am "TRUELY" greatful. Hootie
  13. Yesterday, (Wednesday), standing in my backyard practice casting, with my new Ci4, while the snow was really coming down hard. Heard one of my neighbors say, "well, the old man has finally gone bonkers". They just don't understand...lol. Hootie
  14. That's good to know. Hootie
  15. How do you think the spill in West Virginia is going to affect the fishing along the Ohio River? It's 80 miles long, and supposed to move through Cincinnati this evening. Hootie
  16. How's that? Are you confused enough yet....lol. They're all the best, they're all the worst. Any of them will do the job. I would choose something else....WHEW!!!!! Hootie
  17. Ordered one yesterday. It will ship today. I will have it by mid week. Can't wait to try it out. Hootie
  18. Hurry home, I'm sure people who care about you really miss you. Hope you catch the biggest bass of your life, first trip out. Hootie
  19. Waiting on the "BIG BROWN TRUCK". Got 2,.... count em, 2 packages coming today. Hootie
  20. I always buy yozuri at BPS. Hootie
  21. Lucky you guys. Had a package that was suppposed to be here tuesday. Got an update monday from UPS saying weather delay. Finally wednesday, got an update saying my package would come thursday, (today). Got up this morning expecting to see "OUT FOR DELIVERY". WRONG!!!!..... Another stinking weather delay. Don't know when or if I will ever get my package. GRRRRRR!!!! Hootie
  22. Bill Dance states in his 1973 book, "There He Is", on pg. 14, "when the water temperature drops below 55 degrees, your plastic worm is dead". Even the best can be wrong once and a while. Hootie
  23. Success is all luck. Just ask anyone who is unsuccessful. Hootie
  24. The best thing about this winter? So far for me, "NOTHING"!!!!! Hootie
  25. I will probably ruffle a few feathers with this one, but I think this rod sensitivity thing is overblown. Not saying it isn't real, just that in many cases, it doesn't matter or have any real effect on a lot of us. Keep in mind I am talking about bottom contact baits. I know it makes little to no difference with reaction baits. But when you pay upwards of four to five hundred dollars for a SENSITIVE rod, and your hands are as sensitive as a knot on a log, and you have the focus and attention span of a moth, it isn't going to make much of a difference. I think a big part of the sensitivity thing working at all, is "CONCENTRATION". That's why my buddy can outfish me time and time again with his $40.00 BPS graphite series rods . His concentration ability is downright "spooky". Sometimes when I am fishing with him, I feel like I might as well be fishing alone. So, yes, I am sure it's real, but if it doesn't help, why waste the money.......my 2 cents. Hootie
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