I will probably ruffle a few feathers with this one, but I think this rod sensitivity thing is overblown.
Not saying it isn't real, just that in many cases, it doesn't matter or have any real effect on a lot of us. Keep in mind I am talking about bottom contact baits. I know it makes little to no difference with reaction baits. But when you pay upwards of four to five hundred dollars for a SENSITIVE rod, and your hands are as sensitive as a knot on a log, and you have the focus and attention span of a moth, it isn't going to make much of a difference. I think a big part of the sensitivity thing working at all, is "CONCENTRATION". That's why my buddy can outfish me time and time again with his $40.00 BPS graphite series rods . His concentration ability is downright "spooky".
Sometimes when I am fishing with him, I feel like I might as well be fishing alone. So, yes, I am sure it's real, but if it doesn't help, why waste the money.......my 2 cents.