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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I can't wait to hit the water with my 2 new Chronarch ci4's. I am getting tired of fishing for "cats" in the back yard....lol. Hootie
  2. Correct. Hootie
  3. I just recently bought 2 CI4's. Really like them a lot so far. However, I haven't fished them yet, so can't give an honest appraisal. I have Revo STX's and they are great reels, although, mine are gen. 2 models. So this probably doesn't help at all...lol. Hootie
  4. 6'6" to 6'8", because 6'8" is the longest one that will fit in my car...lol. Hootie
  5. Yes, I know you can't necessarily trust what you see anymore. Anytime I showed that photo to ANYONE, after a few minutes of oooo"s an ahhhh"s, I would explain what it really was, by showing them the original. Hootie
  6. That is the idea. If she made the hand bigger too, the deception wouldn't work. Yes, the photo was tampered with. That's what I said. Altering the photo (of just the fish) was the whole idea to make the fish look bigger than it really was. Hootie
  7. I think some misunderstood my topic to be a complaint. NOT at all. Like the title says "Casual Observation". When I post a question, be it about tackle or technique, I am looking for opinions. Didn't mean for it to come off sounding critical. Hootie
  8. Any place that sells software. Run you about $700.00 Hootie
  9. I have a couple of Mojos, and 2 Premiers. I have found a buyer for my Mojos. Keeping the Premiers. 10/4 good buddy. Hootie
  10. Fish might have swallowed the eyeball, but I ain't swallowing that story.....lol. Hootie
  11. And your partner wont fish with you anymore,....right? Hootie
  12. Fishing a wacky rig one day, felt a strike, set the hook, and it appeared I had missed the fish. When I reeled in to make another cast, there was an eyeball on my hook. True story.....before anybody asks, yes it was a fish eyeball. Hootie
  13. Your post and mine were deleted. Don't take it personal. If the mods determine you have crossed the line, they will delete. I have had a few posts deleted over time. I am always grateful that they chose to delete my post, rather than give me warning points. Always look on the bright side. Hootie
  14. Lol.....I will for sure try that uglier suggestion. Hootie
  15. WOW, that's too deep for me! Opinions and advice is perfect. After all, most of my new equipment, and new techniques are because of info from all you guys on this site. This is the best bass fishing forum on the internet. I have waded through them all. Working at BPS, I have refferred a lot of customers to this site.... Nah...not up too late. Bed too early. Went to bed at 7:30 last night, got up at 3:00 am. Hootie P.S. I feel I have reached the peak. I got a response from Glenn. Thanks Glenn.
  16. Thanks Trek, you have great day, and don't work to hard. Hootie
  17. I think to much. I was thinking about the newbies who come on this site looking for ANSWERS. Not likely to get one. This site and others like it usually only provides "OPINIONS", not answers. Doesn't matter if you're on a fishing site, or a site for bowling seeking answers about bowling balls. All there is, are opinions. Just posted recently a topic concerning hook removal, "remove or leave it in". Got nothing but varied opinions. Nothing wrong with that. That's all there is. For there to be an answer, there has to be proof, and then no matter who answers, the answer will always be the same. If I ask, "what is 2+2, the answer will "ALWAYS" be 4, {hopefully}. No matter how many replies, they will always be the same, 4, 4, 4, 4, etc., etc. So, "NEWBIES", when you ask on here, or any site, realize, what you are getting is only "ADVICE". Simply because that is all there is. Just go with popular opinion. If 20 guys say Lews is a great reel. and 5 hate the reel, probably a safe bet that it is a good reel...... I need a nap. Hootie
  18. I wouldn't spend $600.00 on a reel, but who cares. You would rather fish with a $100.00 reel, who cares. No reason to get torqued. I haven't heard anyone on this topic yet, offer to buy you, or I one, so we probably wont have deal with the torture of fishing with one....lol. Hootie
  19. See what I mean? Everybody is FIRM on their thoughts. CONFUSING!! I always do everything I can to remove the hook safely. Sometimes, there is just no way. Sad part is, on the lake I fish, it is "catch and release" only. No keeping any bass for any reason. I believe I will definitely try the wire cutter idea for sure. Don't know why I never thought of that before. Hootie
  20. Yes. Hootie
  21. Could you see us all in a room together discussing this. We would have to wear boxing headgear and cups...lol. Hootie
  22. That's what I was thinking. You already have the reel. Might as well grab the NRX of your choice and ENJOY!!! Hootie
  23. Just watched Pro Team Journal. Mark Menendez fishing with Bill Mcdonald. Mcdonald deep hooked a bass, took the worm off the hook and cut the line, and left the hook in. He said this was the best procedure, since the hook would disolve in a couple of days. What do you do? One authority says yes, another says no. Does anybody really have any accurate information other than just an opinion, or hearsay. I have heard this bantered back and forth for 50 yrs. I have no answer, but I don't believe a steel hook will disolve in a couple of days. Hootie
  24. Got me to thinking, what you young guys do to look good, us old guys have to do to stay alive...lol. Hootie
  25. woooooooo.... the mystery of it all... boogie..boogie...boogie!!!...lol
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