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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I have both and have been fishing with the Lews for a couple of seasons now, with narry a problem. Don't think you can go wrong with either choice. Hootie
  2. NEED, NEED?...C'mon Arv, need don't have anything to do with buying new fishing gear....you know that...lol. Hootie
  3. I am assuming he is talking about the chronarch. Could be wrong. Hootie
  4. I've been telling myself that for over 40 years now....lol. Hootie
  5. Someone messed up. If you come into BPS in Cincinnati and buy a dozen reels, you'll get free line on a dozen reels. Hootie
  6. I have had a package arrive at the FACILITY which is about 10 miles from my house. It arrived there Last Tuesday, 2-18, and package tracking says it's "OUT FOR DELIVERY". The irritating part is, it's been out for delivery since 2-19, Last Wednesday. It is in the hands of ****EX. I have contacted the "BIG A", That's where I bought it. Absolutly no help at all. I have contacted ***EX, they say Tomorrow, 2-25. It gets worse, it was multiple items, all the same thing, just 5 of them, "reel covers", Free shipping, OKAY! They broke it up into 3 shipments, and now want to give me the first shipment free, and charge me for the other 2. I screemed NO WAY!! So they removed the shipping charge. But, here I am , now everything is out for delivery, but I still have "NOTHING!!". HELP!!! Hootie
  7. I was always amazed at how many people would come into BPS and want a particular lure in a particular color basing their decision solely on so and so won a tournament with it. No consideration given to their water color, season, or other factors that are much more important. For example, the lake I fish is so muddy and murky that throwing a jerkbait is a waste of time. You can't see a white spinnerbait six inches deep. Yet let someone win a tournament with a jerkbait, and guys will be throwing them with wild abandon. Hootie
  8. And you'll feed him for a lifetime, because he will spend all his money on fishing gear. Hootie
  9. Just recently purchased 2 of them, but haven't had a chance to fish them yet. Can't wait to try them out. Hootie
  10. Cograts, it's a great place to work. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun. And by all means, take advantage of that big discount. Hootie
  11. Seaguar has only NOW started making fluoro for BPS. My BOSS at BPS told me. Hootie
  12. The XPS fluoro is great line, however I have not used their new line yet, "the new yellow and purple box". BPS switched line manufacturers. This line is manufactured now by Seaguar. And THAT is a GOOD thing RIGHT!! Hootie
  13. Florida, huh...somehow I just can't work up any sympathy...lol. Hootie
  14. I have 3 of them. Never had a single problem from any of them. I also have Curado E series, Chronarch E series, and the new ci4 Chronarchs. Great reels all. Hootie
  15. They will fill your reel with BPS mono for free. If you find you don't like it you can buy something different. Hootie
  16. Well, you are too young to have been in ww2, so my guess is that you are into ww2 reenactment. I have a friend who is into civil war reenactment. And you probably are a farmer or work on a farm. That's the best I can come up with. Hootie
  17. You can't do the trade in on the Curado. The Curado don't go on sale until after the trade in is over. Hootie
  18. That was my guess for yours! HEY I got one! I still hope ww2farmer sees this topic. Hootie
  19. I was on an oldies music forum several years ago and used the screen name, "Juan Motime". Hootie
  20. One that has always peaked my curiosity is WW2farmer. Hootie
  21. This question may get no answers at all, but I get curious at some of your screen names. What is the story behind them. Some are self explanatory. A lot are not. Why did you choose the name you have? Mine, Hootibenji, well, in grade school I had a friend, whom we all thought looked like a cross between an owl and Benjamin Franklin, hence, Hootiebenji. My name is in memory of my little buddy. Hootiebenji
  22. Nice, really like the crank. Hootie
  23. Correct. 15% on other stuff. Some items, no discount, i.e. Shimano reels, no discount, Shimano rods, 15%. 40% on Browning items, because BPS owns Browning. No discount on any guns. Lots of details.Hootie
  24. No, I lost my 40% discount. Now that HURT!!...lol. Hootie
  25. Just got my flier today. Although I have had one for about 3 weeks, having just recently retired from BPS, I still get preferential treatment. ...lol. Hootie
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