I have had a package arrive at the FACILITY which is about 10 miles from my house. It arrived there Last Tuesday, 2-18, and package tracking says it's "OUT FOR DELIVERY". The irritating part is, it's been out for delivery since 2-19, Last Wednesday. It is in the hands of ****EX. I have contacted the "BIG A", That's where I bought it. Absolutly no help at all. I have contacted ***EX, they say Tomorrow, 2-25.
It gets worse, it was multiple items, all the same thing, just 5 of them, "reel covers", Free shipping, OKAY! They broke it up into 3 shipments,
and now want to give me the first shipment free, and charge me for the other 2. I screemed NO WAY!! So they removed the shipping charge.
But, here I am , now everything is out for delivery, but I still have "NOTHING!!".