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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. My friend:... My new pants are way to loose. What's the best way to shrink them? Me:...The best thing I have found to shrink a pair of pants, is "pizza,..lots and lots of pizza". Hootie
  2. I had a carbonlite and it is a really nice rod. A few weeks ago I purchased one of the new Mojos, fished it a couple of times. I was so impressed that within a week I had three of them. Like everyone else said, you can't go wrong with either, but my vote would go for the Mojo. Hootie
  3. Thank you. You are correct. I did a you tube search and found a Tackle Warehouse produced video. The g7 has a gunmetal color, the g6 has a black spool and the g5 is silver. I appreciate your response. Hootie
  4. Does anyone know if the Shimano citica G Series had any black plastic spools? I bought 3 Citicas from one place and they have aluminum spools. I bought one from you-know-where and it appears to have a plastic spool,...black. I should add that the ones with the silver spools are G7's and the one with the black spool is a G6. Hootie
  5. Same reel, different color. I have them both. Hootie
  6. This one is going to go down real quick. Hootie
  7. That's me, it's just part of the fun of bass fishing. I have been fishing everything from lightning rods to GLX's and my NRX so far this season. For the past couple of weeks, I have been really enjoying using my new Mojo Bass rods. I'm just a hopeless collector. .....lol. As far as catching more fish, I believe that if you really like what you're using, you will be more focused and fish with more confidence. Therefore, more fish. Just a thought. Hootie
  8. Maybe we should fine him or ban him from ever fishing again. He can't be allowed to get away with this....lol. Hootie
  9. Sheesh guys, I didn't mean to start an argument...lol. Hootie
  10. Yeah, and why would you sell it to someone else? Hootie
  11. So, you can have high end $500 and $600 dollar reels and the bass really don't care. Catch a nearly 21 pound bass on a Zebco 33? Is that even legal? June 23, 1973. Hootie
  12. Gardner's Bait & Tackle on US 64 Google it and you'll find it. There is another one called "Sportsman Trading Post". Hootie
  13. I have the NRX, GLX's, IMX's, and GL3's. Love em' all. I also have the "spinnerbait rod" although it doesn't get a lot of use these days. Rarely ever use the NRX. The GLX's are my favorite. Hootie
  14. Gen one is scii, gen two is sciii. It's printed on the blank. Also, above the Mojo Bass logo, are the letters, "IPC". Hootie
  15. Johnny Morris signature reels and Mojo Bass rods. Perfect,....I just recently purchased 3 Mojos myself. Super rod for the money. Just make sure you get the generation 2 rods. Identifiable by the "IPC" above the Mojo Bass logo. Hootie
  16. Yeah A-Jay, I just can't get my pictures to stand upright no matter what I do. I tried the email thing that was suggested before and that didn't work. On my phone, if I tap the picture it enlarges in the upright position Hootie
  17. Had a decent day fishing. Four 16", one 14", one dink, and this one. Best of seven 4.05 pounds. Hootie
  18. Seems like it to me. But then again that's subjective. Hootie
  19. Yes, stiff as a pool que. That was always my preference. Most of my Loomis rods are heavy power. The Shimano crucial is stiff for a medium heavy, just like the Mojos. Hootie
  20. Picked up my third Mojo Bass rod in the last two weeks. I'm really impressed with the sensitivity of these rods. Unbelievable for a $120.00 rod. Oh, that is the second generation Mojos I am talking about. Hootie
  21. Now, with Photoshop so readily available, I'm more inclined to believe what I hear...lol. Hootie
  22. Thinking about starting a seminar on "Bo Diddley". Hootie
  23. That's from the days when song lyrics made sense. The good ole days. Hootie
  24. I tripped on a cloud and fell eight miles high, I tore my mind on a jagged sky. I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.....yeah....yeah....oh yeah....what condition my condition was in. Hootie
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