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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I just started this year, using a Calcutta 100B for my crankbait fishing. Hootie
  2. Defiantly? You mean you're going to bookmark it but you definitely don't want to? Hootie
  3. I don't even use a knot. I just put the line through a hole in the spool and start turning the handle. Never had a problem. Hootie
  4. Mitch, I know you are right about the balance thing. But my Core 100Mg7 sure balances nice on my NRX. Okay, I am bragging, but I couldn't resist.. ....lol. Hootie
  5. Copper perch. Hootie
  6. To tell you the truth, I never noticed. Never watched it close to the boat. Rarely ever use these baits. Mostly plastics, jigs and spinnerbaits. Hootie
  7. Finally got the skunk off. Went fishing today, caught three bass. 12"..red eye shad 15"..Berkley power hawg 13"..Lucky Craft RC 1.5 In that order. At least it's a start...lol. Hootie
  8. Went one placeand bought one. About two weeks later, went back and bought another. Three weeks later decided I wanted to add another and was at a different store and bought another. I can't understand why everyone is having trouble getting these. I find them all over. Hootie
  9. Gotta the conditions buzzed bait. It can't be all of us...lol. Hootie
  10. Hooligan is absolutely correct. That being said, I know from working at BPS, if you are straight up with them, they will most likely exchange it. I have seen some pretty wild stories about how this rod or that reel broke and BPS always comes through. Hootie
  11. Yes, I guess if you don't need it, you don't need it. As I stated on another post, my lake is a rat's nest of laydowns. So something had to be done...lol. Heavier equipment should help a lot. Now....if I can just get that first bass to let me try it out. Hootie
  12. I hope it's ok to like everybody's post on a topic, because that's what I did. All of you provided a lot of answers. Hootie
  13. Thanks guys, that's exactly what I was looking for. Detailed information. I have been bass fishing forever, but in the 3 years I have been on this site, I have learned a lot. You guys are a wealth of information. Hootie
  14. You guys are a hoot...wait,that's me...Never mind. Hootie
  15. You're never going to forget that are you...lol. Hootie
  16. Been on this forum for 3 years. Never read the part about the hooks...lol. As far as the health program, tell your doctor, fishing is great exercise, both mentally and physically. Hootie
  17. So far, I am off to a terrible start. I have been fishing 4 times, and haven't caught a single bass. This is highly unusual for me and where I fish. I have talked to a few other guys on the lake and am finding that I am not alone. Just wondering if it's because spring is getting off to such a slow start. Hootie
  18. How many heavy or 4 power rods are you currently using and for what purposes, disregarding flipping. I have become very interested in these rods lately, as I have never used them before. I posted in a recent topic, that up to now, medium heavy was as far as I went. Hootie
  19. Aprw1, thanks a bunch. Exactly what I was looking for. You're the best! Hootie
  20. I know I saw one somewhere, a chart that listed the weights of various rods from the manufacturer, I think. If anyone could provide a link, I would appreciate it. Thanks Hootie
  21. I remember riding down the road, outside the car, standing on the running board, arm around the door post. Ever done that?...lol. Hootie
  22. You shop at the same Wal-Mart I do? Hootie
  23. Can't beat customer service like that. I have seen them take back reels that I would have thought, NO WAY. I personally think BPS has exceptional CS. But, having worked there, I may be a little prejudiced. Hootie
  24. I don't know if this would work as a frog rod. It's not like other companies MH. Kind of to light for that. Actually, I bought this rod sight unseen from TW, and was a little skeptical as to whether or not it would work as a jig rod. It worked out fine for me. It would be better if you could get the rod in hand, so you can see for yourself what I mean. Hootie
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