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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I actually never considered telling a bunch of lies, but then....oh well. How about you will or you won't. Does that change your decision? Hootie
  2. I love fishing with my Son. Otherwise, I would rather fish alone. Hootie
  3. I knew that would get your attention. I want to pose a question for you to think about. A scenario... you have a small community lake you regularly fish. It hardly receives any pressure at all. In fact, many days you have the lake entirely to yourself. And the bass fishing is excellent. Up to this point this is my exact situation. Now say, one day you are fishing, and you catch a bass which are certain, without a doubt is a new state record. Do you pursue it, and report it, knowing that if you do, your lake is going to be the new local hotspot for who knows how long, to the point that you may not even be able to find a place to park your vehicle, let alone fish. Or do you just keep it to yourself, content with the knowledge that, you know you have surpassed the state record. Would you be happy with that, or would you have to have the fame, notoriety, the praise, addoration, and *** that would come with such an accomplishment. And possibly a few free spools of line, some free lures, and what not. You know it has no potential monetary value like possibly catching a world record. I thought about this for some time before reaching my decision. I would just keep it to myself. Don't get me wrong, all the hoopla would be nice, but NO, not on my favorite fishing spot. Simply not worth it. Anywhere else, I would pursue it in a heartbeat. Hootie
  4. I didn't see it. Now my curiosity will keep me awake all night...lol. Hootie
  5. Raider, it was your posts that motivated me to write mine. You break all the rules of political correctness, and it is funny. I thoroughly enjoy reading your stuff. Keep up the mean, er, I mean good work. Hootie
  6. I was waiting for that...lol. Hootie
  7. Cop to man: your eyes are all red, have you been drinking? Man to cop: officer, your eyes are all glazed, have you been eating donuts. Hootie
  8. Actually, I'm a HILLBILLY! Hootie
  9. Hey Goose, do I see a BPS reel on a G Loomis GLX rod? Isn't that illegal?....lol. Hootie
  10. What has happened to us as a society, that we are no longer able to laugh at ourselves, or poke fun at one another without someone, if not everyone being offended. Ethnic humor for example. That's strictly off limits today. What happened to change all that. I personally enjoyed it, and at one time it seems everyone else did too. Remember Archie Bunker, or how about George Jefferson, and then there was ol' Fred Sanford. Let's start with George. He didn't like anyone that wasn't black. Archie hated anybody that wasn't a white flag waving American. And Fred, well, he hated everyone but Fred. We loved those shows and we LAUGHED! Now we have to be so careful of what we say, for fear of offending someone, and buying ourselves a whole peck of trouble. Getting offended seems to be a favorite pastime thes days. I will continue to enjoy these shows, and Archie, George, and Fred. And apparently someone else does too because they keep popping up on cable TV regularly. I'm straight out of the coal mining, moon shine running part of the country. What if me and "my people" suddenly decided we were offended by "The Beverly Hillbillies". Just plain silly. Oh. and "politically correct", well, I wont worry about that because I ain't no danged politician anyhow. If I think it's funny I will laugh. If my rant offends anyone, sorry, didn't mean to. And if my post is unacceptable, I'm sure it will be removed, straight up. So for anyone who gets a chance to read this,... thanks for listening. Hootie
  11. Yes, you are absolutely correct, and so was JohnG. I looked farther down the list, and some do have a G, and it does mean green. My mistake, sorry. And I thought I knew everything...lol. I'm more like Shulze, "I know nuthink". Hootie
  12. If you happen to mean G, as in G Loomis, the G stands for Gary. On the website, they are listed as green, or blue. Not g and b. Hootie
  13. I'm speechless. Hootie
  14. I have a couple of bucket hats, you know, like the one Gomer Pyle wore when he sang the "United States Marines" song. The handle tucks neatly under your chin. Hootie
  15. I was impressed. Hootie
  16. I have broken two rods, stepped on one, a BPS Tourney Special, years ago. Most recently, last year, a G Loomis IMX. Lifting a 10" bass into the boat. Believe it or not, I told them exactly how I broke it and they replaced it. Hootie
  17. Go ahead Raul, I can take it, I think. Ok I'm gritting my teeth, go for it. Hootie
  18. I don't know about you, but on the lake I fish, one way to tell it's officially Springtime, is just look up at the trees. Man, the bobbers are in bloom. Orange and white blossoms everywhere I look. Hootie
  19. Awe C'mon!!... If I can't impress everyone, I might just as well take up bowling... yuck!...lol. Hootie
  20. Been doing good lately with the Gary yamamoto line of crankbaits. Hootie
  21. PQ ain't going nowhere. Hootie
  22. Absolutely, Curado i. I have both and the Curado is much smoother and quieter. I have been really impressed with it. Hootie
  23. Yeah, I'm always trying to make mine tip heavy by about six pounds anyhow. Hootie
  24. I want a quarter pounder with sheesh! Hootie
  25. Tom, I did this and fished all day and everything stayed in place. Thanks for the tip, and thank you everyone for your input. Hootie
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