I knew that would get your attention. I want to pose a question for you to think about.
A scenario... you have a small community lake you regularly fish. It hardly receives any
pressure at all. In fact, many days you have the lake entirely to yourself. And the bass
fishing is excellent.
Up to this point this is my exact situation.
Now say, one day you are fishing, and you catch a bass which are certain, without a
doubt is a new state record. Do you pursue it, and report it, knowing that if you do, your
lake is going to be the new local hotspot for who knows how long, to the point that you may not even
be able to find a place to park your vehicle, let alone fish.
Or do you just keep it to yourself, content with the knowledge that, you know you have surpassed
the state record. Would you be happy with that, or would you have to have the fame, notoriety,
the praise, addoration, and *** that would come with such an accomplishment. And possibly
a few free spools of line, some free lures, and what not. You know it has no potential monetary value
like possibly catching a world record.
I thought about this for some time before reaching my decision. I would just keep it to myself.
Don't get me wrong, all the hoopla would be nice, but NO, not on my favorite fishing spot. Simply
not worth it.
Anywhere else, I would pursue it in a heartbeat.