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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Go back and get the rest of them. Hootie
  2. That is ONE scary story! Hootie
  3. Hootie! Hootie
  4. Gave up fishing, he's on a golf forum somewhere out there in the WWW. Hootie
  5. I knew a fellow whose life was ruined by bucket fishermen. I think they wrote a country song about it. "Take this rod and shove it, I ain't fishin here no more". Hootie
  6. You HATE cats!!... Just look at your name...lol. Hootie
  7. Wasn't that fish disqualified for a period of time? Later on acknowledged and reinstated. Hootie
  8. Saw this on my local news yesterday. Hootie
  9. Casting: G Loomis NRX 803c, and shimano core 100Mg7. Spinning: don't really have a favorite. Rarely use them. Hootie
  10. Ouch! That sounds painful...lol. Hootie
  11. Raider, all the Gillette blue blades are now made in Russia. You can find them on Amazon for $22.49 for a pack of 100 blades. Hootie
  12. Hang in there Raider, you can do it. I quit 37 years ago. Probably the best thing I ever did for my health. I hope this is the proper response. Not quite sure if this topic is about driving or quitting smoking...lol. Hootie
  13. That is just plain hilarious. Would love to see a video. Glad no one got hurt. Hootie
  14. I have one of those safety razors. Gonna have to buy a pack of blades. Haven't used it in years. Newer ain't always better. Hootie
  15. Ratherbfishing, your screen name states my opinion on this topic. Hootie
  16. Ain't that the truth, I hate buying razor cartridges. Hootie
  17. About ten years ago, I put a $175.00 surge protector between my electric meter and the house. It has a little red light. If I get a surge it is supposed to blow the surge protector. If I see the little red light has gone off, the surge protector is shot, I was protected. Protection guaranteed up to $25,000 replacement of anything damaged. Is the guarantee any good? Who knows, 10 years, and the little red light is still on. Hootie P.S. the surge protector was sold by my local electric supplier.
  18. Nothing like starting the day off with a new blade in the razor. Just makes me feel it's going to be a great day. Hey, I'm old, I enjoy small things now. Hootie
  19. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain....lol.
  20. Man, how sleazy....lol. Just kidding By the way, are there record groupies chicks for real? Hootie
  21. Read that collection of old Bassmaster magazines. All this info is right there. Everything Glenn said. Hootie
  22. I have 3 of them, and in my opinion, they are awesome! These reels have so impressed me that I haven't gotten around to using my still brand new ci4's yet. They were silky smooth right out of the box. Like RoadWarrior says, just set em' and forget em'. Hootie
  23. Read it. Absolutely fascinating! Hootie
  24. I also prefer the look of a replica rather than a skin mount. Hootie
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