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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I swear, I have almost as much fun on this forum, as I have fishing...lol. Hootie
  2. I prefer cork, but I think it's because I'm old...lol. Hootie
  3. Hey, if it works, it works. Top of the line tackle doesn't always get top billing at the end of the tournament. Top billing goes to what you caught, not what you caught it with. Hootie
  4. After you call them out, what do you do to them, beat them up, or just yell at them and call them nasty names. Yes, I am being facetious, but this is a serious question. What does it mean to call someone out. When was younger, and you called someone out, it was for a fight. I sure can't see starting a fight over what someone else believes their fish weighs...sheesh! Hootie
  5. I have 3 of the GL3 rods and I really like them. I used them all last year for bottom contact baits and spinnerbait fishing, never had any complaints. Hootie
  6. That's what it costs through G Loomis for warranty replacement. That's why I buy my Loomis rods from American Legacy Fishing. You get to keep your $100.00 in your pocket. Gotta LOVE that kind of warranty. Hootie
  7. Now that's funny! Hootie
  8. Lefty Curado i's available at American Legacy Fishing. Hootie
  9. I'm not a good judge of distance so someone else could probably better answer that question. Also being mostly a shoreline fishermen, my casts are seldom more than 10 or 15 yards. Hootie
  10. My Curado i's are much smoother and quieter than the Chronarch's. Have three of each and they are both great reels but I like the Curado i more. Hootie
  11. I know they say, that in the G Loomis lineup, sensitivity starts with the IMX. Where then, does that place rods like the Mossyback, and the Bronzeback. Hootie
  12. I loved that story! Except the pop. That would make a great movie....lol. Maybe you could get Clint Eastwood to play you RoadWarrior. Hootie
  13. To me, the Curado seems more solid, like it could survive more abuse, not that I abuse my reels, I don't. It buttery smooth, whisper quiet. How's that for a description...lol. It balances well with my GLX's. I also have a core 100Mg7 which is awesome, yet I still use the Curado's the most. I guess if I could have a do-over, I would pass on the ci4's and gotten all Curados. Then there is still the matter of nearly $100 per reel. Since money is not the entire issue, it's probably a lot psychological on my part. Hootie
  14. I have both and the Curado is my favorite. I have two ci4 Chronarch's. One has seen the water one time, and the other has never been out of the box. Don't get me wrong, the ci4 is a great reel, but I have been super impressed by these Curados. And the price difference, well, a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks. Hootie
  15. So, I see you use the same Wal-Mart I do. More like a dumpster than a store. Hootie
  16. American Legacy Fishing has them ready to ship. Great company to deal with. Hootie
  17. And how do you get the bass to hold its mouth open like that....lol. Hootie
  18. Glenn I know you are being up front and truthful concerning Kent's review. But supposing you used this equipment and found it quite unsatisfactory. I feel there is NO WAY he is going to come back and post a review saying, hey fellas, after extensive testing, we find this stuff is dogmeat, and we recommend you don't waste your money. That was not going to happen. I think you guys doing a review for a sponsor, really is putting you on the spot. I hope my thoughts don't get me thrown off the forum. Respectfully, Hootie, {Bob}
  19. Anytime I am about to make a purchase of a big ticket item, I never pay any attention to sponsored or paid reviews. I want to know what Joe Average, who plunked down his hard earned money thinks of the item. I am not going to ask Gary Yamamoto what he thinks of senkos.I want to know what his customers think. Reviews are good things, just make sure you get more than one opinion. Hootie
  20. Many years ago, I watched a show on tv, that was an audience participation show. They had a psychologist who had done some studies that proved that people with brown eyes had some diabolical and evil traits. With a few examples, and scientific demonstrations, in a short period of time they had the whole audience ready to go to war, brown eyed people against the blue eyed people. It was getting totally out of control, when they stopped and revealed that it just a hoax, an experiment to show just how quickly people could be turned against one another for the stupidest reasons. ...Just wondering....you suppose this is what Glenn was doing?.....lol. Hootie
  21. "but I rarely ever do it any more", I like that. Can I feel free to use that line whenever I feel the need to lie?.....laughable indeed! Hootie
  22. VERY excellent point. I know, I said I was signing off this topic....I LIED!...lol. Hootie
  23. We had a young man locally who said he caught a 7# + bass. People started disputing it. Just so happens his dad video taped the whole thing. The video shows the catch, the landing, and the weighing of the fish on a digital scale. So what happens next, you guessed it. People started disputing the accuracy of the scale. The truth isn't determined by whether or not someone else believes it. The truth is the truth. THE END. If you feel somehow threatened by someone else's success, you have some real issues to deal with. Hootie Signing off this topic.
  24. So, I am assuming you have NEVER lied to anyone about anything. Be careful how you answer...lol. Hootie
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