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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Fished all day Monday, caught 2 bass. Fished yesterday, caught 16 bass. What was the difference? Your guess is as good as mine. Hootie
  2. I have had both. Keep the extra money and get the PQ. Hootie
  3. Yeah, that's it....lol. Hootie
  4. I have never used it. Hootie
  5. I have Red Label on one jig and worm rod, and Abrazx on the other. Now here is the kicker, I use them both and couldn't tell you which has which. Hootie
  6. I have 3 all bought at different times and places. All 3 were silky smooth right out of the box. Hootie
  7. 12#, WOW!!...Where are you fishing? Hootie
  8. The question was, "Do you get more satisfaction from buying", Yes, I certainly do. Hootie
  9. That thing is photoshoped!....Just kidding, just kidding....lol. Super catch, bigger than anything I've ever caught. Congrats! Hootie
  10. A few years ago, I fished with BPS Pro Qualifier and BPS Tourney Special rods. Whole rig, $100.00 on sale. Now I am using GLX and NRX rods, and shimano reels, Curado i, Chronarch ci4's and a Shimano core 100Mg7. What the heck happened? I don't know. Oh well, I'm going fishing. Hootie
  11. We don't judge on BR? YOU have only been here 3 days. Just hold on a little while....lol. Hootie
  12. Any BPS will exchange it. Hootie
  13. Absolutely, they will replace it, as long as you have a receipt. The BPS where I worked usually don't even insist on a receipt. Hootie
  14. Awesome reel, I have three of them and I like them better than my ci4's. Guess you had a happy Father's Day. Hootie
  15. There, did that answer your question....lol. Hootie
  16. Happy Father's Day to you Scott, and all you other Dads on this forum. Hootie
  17. I don't own a scale, so I am a lousy fisherman. Catch a lot of bass, but I broke the cardinal rule, no scale. Oh well, back to my non serious (catching the crap out of them), bass fishing....lol. Hootie
  18. You're gonna love em. The Curado i is one fantastic reel. Hootie
  19. Great story, great memories. I am fortunate enough to still be fishing with my Son. He just turned fifty last month. Just so happens we're going fishing tomorrow. Making memories. Hootie
  20. I did it and it worked. Problem solved. Thanks BassinLou. Hootie
  21. If I could give this post 2 likes, I would. Hootie
  22. Gotcha, I'll give it a try. Actually, I am trying to turn them off. TNBassin is right, "I don't need no stinkin brakes"....lol. Hootie
  23. Like you, I keep reel covers on my reels. I have been using my reels a lot the past few months, and no scuffs ,scratches or nicks on the finish. I have bumped them a few times, and thought I scratched or nicked them, but no. Still perfect. I wouldn't give it a second thought. Get one and enjoy. Hootie
  24. How do you turn them on and off? I am following the instructions to slide them over, but they don't want to move. Do I need to push them harder and are they supposed to click or snap. I don't want to force them and break something. Hootie
  25. Don't you HATE when you have to explain...lol. Hootie
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