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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Looks the same to me too. ......wait a minute,.... what did the others say???....lol. Hootie
  2. I broke six inches off the tip of an IMX rod. I still use G loomis rods. I broke about a foot off of a BPS tourney special. I stepped on it. Danged BPS rods, I'm done with them. Hootie
  3. Any one know if and where these can be bought in bulk Hootie
  4. Thanks a lot. Now you have given me something else to worry about....lol. Hootie
  5. The one upside is that the NRX did come with a wild card. I have more concerns about breaking the rod, than damaging the reel. Hootie
  6. I have been fishing my NRX and Shimano Core 100mg7 for the past few days. It has set most of the season in my rod rack. I don't know if it's just me, but something about using a $900.00 rig just gives me the heebee jeebees. I just have never used a combo that expensive before. Guess I'm afraid of breaking something. But I got it out all this week. Every fish I have caught in the last three days has come on that rig. I think I am beginning to get over my fears. Does using expensive stuff make you feel apprehensive? Hootie
  7. Plumworm, when I was in school, you had to learn in order to graduate. By the time my kids were in school, all you had to do was show up to graduate. I think now, all that is required to graduate is to turn eighteen....lol. Hootie
  8. As always, the lightning rod is probably one of the best budget rods around. Under $50.00 Hootie
  9. This is what I use. Hootie
  10. Get the Curado i, the Curado i, or the Curado i. Any of those three will be a good choice. Hootie
  11. Also, I DODN'T know that there were that many m's in commmmmmon...lol. Just kidding kiddo. Hootie
  12. I stand corrected, oh wise one...er...oh common one...lol. Hootie
  13. Alonerankin, don't challenge the wisdom of a fourteen year old...lol. Hootie
  14. Uh oh! Is that the dreaded bait monkey? No wonder everyone fears him. Hootie
  15. Can't improve on any of this. A lot of great suggestions here. Hootie
  16. C'mon guys, can't you see by now that being obnoxious is all he is here for...I'm guessing 15 or 16 years old...lol. Hootie
  17. Alonerankin2, just let it go. He's not going to quit. Can't help it....lol. Hootie
  18. The mossyback is a good rod.I have one and like it just fine. One that hasn't been mentioned is one of my absolute favorites. The GL3. I have 3 GLX's, an NRX, an IMX, mossyback, spinnerbait rod, and 3 GL3's. Nearly every trip what goes with me is 2 GLX's, and 2 GL3'S. My NRX and Core 100mg7 stays in the rack most of the time...and before anyone asks, no you can't have it...lol. Hootie
  19. Take the drive and make a fun day of it. Going to BPS is a great way to spend a few hours. Plus, you will be coming home with new reels. Hootie
  20. Good night Irene. Now, if I can just find that button. Hootie
  21. Why must you be so rude, arrogant and condescending. Most people on here can disagree without all the insults. Take a nap....PLEASE. Hootie
  22. Mods, HELP! This topic has gone nuts and brought out the Wikipedia copy/paste professor. I started it and I won't be offended if you choose to kill it....PLEASE! Hootie
  23. I don't know if this even fits with what this has turned into, but I saw a young man wearing a tee shirt yesterday that read, "I am not going to tiptoe through life, just so I can arrive safely at deaths door". Hootie
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