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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Grown men, yes, football players, not so sure. Hootie
  2. Solunar tables, I find that I have my best days on their predicted bad days. Almost without exception. I have no idea why. Hootie
  3. 13.86... WOW!!...I can only dream. Hootie
  4. I'm happy where I am....RETIRED!!! Hootie
  5. I'd call it a GREAT DAY! Hootie
  6. I believe they exist. I don't believe I would pay the extra money for them. Hootie
  7. Good job, nice fish. Hootie
  8. Scratch my suggestion if you are looking for specifically a crankbait rod. Hootie
  9. I have the 803c, J&W rod. It's 6'8" med. hvy. Retails at $500.00. Hootie
  10. I have several combos. GLX, Curado i...3 NRX, Core 100mg7...1 IMX, Chronarch 50e...1 Spinnerbait rod, Chronarch 200e6...1 The IMX and Curado i would make a great start. Not too pricey. Hootie
  11. Gene Hackman Kathy Bates Hootie
  12. The Quick and the Dead. Hootie
  13. 1.. No matter how many cars you pass, there will always be someone in front of you. There is no front of the line. So just relax. you'll get there. 2..Just because your light has turned green, don't just jump out there. Because after the other light has turned red, the next three to five cars are coming on through...at least in Cincinnati. 3..And the biggest one, you can never drive fast enough for the car behind you. Remember, he's looking for the front of the line. Hootie
  14. Nice bass. That's what it's all about. Hootie
  15. 803c J&W. It's not in the photo. The handles in the pics are my GLX'S. Hootie
  16. I generally round down for other people's fish, and round up for mine. ....lol. Hootie
  17. Last couple of days been pretty good for me. 18 bass, couple of pics. Kinda hard to get decent pics when you are fishing by yourself. Hootie
  18. That photo was taken by my son. But now he is working so much I have been fishing alone, and I take a lousy selfie. So, it's same old hoodie, same old fish. Hootie
  19. You guys are referring to people I don't remember seeing that I didn't join till 2010.I have seen a few guys disappear since I've been on here. LgMouthGambler for one. Hootie
  20. Just added you to my friends list. Can never have too many friends...lol. Hootie
  21. Anybody heard anything from "The Rooster"? Haven't seen him on here in a while. Hootie
  22. It will be in the boat from now on. Not using it cannot be an option. Hootie
  23. $53 A SPOOL???.... Forget that!! Not gonna do it.....wouldn't be prudent. Hootie
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