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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I have three and they are, in my opinion, AWESOME! I have two of the 50e reels and I like the new i series much more. Although I wouldn't let go of them. Hootie
  2. Now that is so sad. That definitely would have ruined my day. Hootie
  3. Touch my reels and.....well, just don't touch my stuff. Hootie
  4. Honest guys, I thought the Crucial was it. When I have a birthday, my SWEET wife sees to it that I have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hootie
  5. I agree, not much improvement over stock. I did two of my Chronarchs. I wasn't impressed. Like DVT says, flush em, lube em and you're good. Hootie
  6. Likewise, this combo is a joy to use. I am really liking it. Hootie
  7. Very observant, yes it was. I flicked him out of the boat once and a few minutes later, I noticed that he was back....lol. Hootie
  8. It's the CRC-SG68MHB. 6'8 Med. Hvy. fast.Seems sensitive enough. It feels more like a heavy than med. hvy. Light enough, paired with one of my Curado i's. Hootie P.S. I caught the fish with a R I Sweet Beaver, 4.20, color, Hematoma.
  9. Got my new Shimano Crucial yesterday, went fishing today. First bass with my new rod. Hootie
  10. As promised. Hootie
  11. 36....You're practically an old man....lol. Just kidding. I have several of the old round reel, pistol grip combos. Never use them anymore. They are just part of my man cave collection. 5000's, 5000c's, 4500's, 5500's. I have a silver 5500c with gold accents. It was their anniversary edition.It is still in the box, never been used. Bought it around mid to late 80's. I'll try to get a photo up later today. Hootie
  12. When I was young, something that was sick was bad or no good. The way it is used now, I take it that it's a good thing. Things change...lol. Hootie
  13. The Curado i is a great reel for the money. I am debating on whether to get 2 more, or another Core. Hootie
  14. Core Hootie
  15. Picture this, about 35 years ago 1979 or 1980, I was out cruising on a country road a few miles from where I live. I pull up in front of a house, jump out of my truck and start running up toward the house. Out the door an older lady comes running off the porch and down the walkway screaming and cussing at me. Maam, Maam,...GET OFF MY PROPERTY! Maam I just wanted to...., I KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND THE ANSWER IS NO!!!... YOU ARE NOT FISHING MY POND! Maam I don't want to fish your pond. THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT! Maam, I just stopped to tell you that the shed in back of your house is on fire. Have a nice day #@*$$. Hootie
  16. Honesty is slammed a lot. It's the day we live in. A while back, I was in a checkout line at the store. The cashier, a young woman gave me $20.00 to much change back. When I handed it back to her, I swear the other people in line looked at me like I had 2 heads. It's not the popular thing to do. Hootie
  17. I sure will. I will have it Wednesday, and will be fishing it Thursday. Hootie
  18. Decided on the split grip. It is available at TW. Just placed my order. Hootie
  19. It's a card you send in for after you purchase the rod. Takes about two weeks to get it. Then if you break the rod, doesn't matter how, you take the broken rod and the wild card to anyplace that sells your rod and they give you a new one. Has to be exactly like the rod you broke. I have my WILD CARD, hope I never need it. Hootie
  20. Was that a question or a comment?...lol. Yeah, probably not the smartest method of making a decision, but, well, the bait monkey....you know. Hootie
  21. Guess my Crucial rod is a no go. I wanted the 6'8" MH casting rod with full cork grips. Nobody but nobody has them. Checked every place I could think of. Hootie
  22. Lol...Nah, I only have one NRX. I have three GLX'S. I just like the looks of that Crucial. Got a birthday coming up, but I didn't want to go overboard....Megabass...hmmm. Hootie
  23. Now wait a minute. Egg McMuffin juice is perfectly natural...lol. Hootie
  24. That is so so sad. Talk about ruining your day. Hootie
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