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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I had one HUGE gripe I forgot to mention. The absolute WORST customer, at least for me, is the guy who comes in carrying a spit cup, or worse yet, a see through container already half full. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. If I saw you coming I would make every effort to avoid you. If you still approached me I would as quickly as possible, attempt to pass you off to another associate.I find that practice sickening and very inconsiderate to me and anyone else in the store. So guys, if you really have to do that, could you please leave it in the vehicle for the short time you are in the store. THANK YOU! Hootie
  2. Sometimes the most difficult problems have the simplest sollutions. Hootie
  3. As a former BPS employee, and being on the other side of the fence, I can tell you it ain't always a pleasant experience over here either. Try helping a customer who thinks he knows everything, when it's obvious that he is dumb as a sack of hair. I have dealt with customers who were rude and impolite. Not to mention the first ones of the day with morning breath...WHEW!!!. I had a customer come to the counter one time pointing at a particular baitcasting reel he wanted for the rod he had just picked out. I pointed out that the rod he had was a spinning rod, just assuming that he had inadvertently picked it up. This fellow came unglued and informed me "loudly" that he knew what he was doing. "WELL EXCUSE ME"!!..I was thinking. Granted, there were, and will be times when someone will ask you something that you really don't know. No one can be expected to know everything about everything. At our Cincinnati store we tried to have all the bases covered. Ask me something about striper fishing and I am clueless, but let me take you to see Erik. He is an avid striper fisherman. Then there are days when you can't have everything covered and someone gets angry or just disappointed. I guess that's just life. You win some, you lose some and some get rained out. Would be great if everyone could have a pleasant experience at all the stores, all the time, but it's probably not going to happen. Anyway, that is my view from "the other side". Hootie
  4. Thanks geo g, but yes, I was being a smart ***. I don't believe anyone could more enjoy being outside than I do. Sometimes I am fishing four or five days a week. Especially this time of the year. Love the changing of colors. Nothing like Fall to put a Spring in your step. Fall, Spring....get it....lol. Hootie
  5. Ok, you caught the bass. Now, who's really hooked. Hootie
  6. I was smiling....lol. Hootie
  7. Yes, I have been having a great season. I think it's the Shimano Cores and the GLX'S. Like an unwritten law of nature, the bass have to respond and respect Shimano and Loomis. Ahh, if only that were true. Seriously though, even though I fish a county park lake, it doesn't get a lot of pressure. A real blessing indeed. Hootie
  8. I once thought that all my previous conclusions would result in sure success but serendipity changed the end result have you ever experienced such happenings when you are fishing with challenges I try to not get so caught up in the obvious that makes things more difficult and understanding is complicated to the point of excursion Hootie
  9. Had a wonderful day yesterday. Caught 8 Bass, lost 2. It was a spinnerbait day. Hootie
  10. Between the two, there is no bad choice. You did good. Hootie
  11. I'm sorry, I must be slipping. Yes, you are absolutely correct.Those are " Special Purchase" sales promotion "cheapies". Not the same PQ at all. Hootie
  12. Don't know if I am misunderstanding this, but when someone came into our store and wanted the combo in catalog, we would have them choose the Carbonlite rod they wanted and choose which gear ratio reel they wanted. The reel came off the shelf with all the other PQ's. They weren't different or special order reels. Hootie
  13. I've heard that banana thing before. I ain't afraid of no dang banana. Never have been, never will be. Hootie
  14. Very good Aavery. I have the catalogs to prove you are correct. Hootie
  15. The first one was the Shimano Bantam 100. Hootie
  16. MAN!!, I got totally wrapped up in that website! Hootie
  17. Having worked at BPS and having used all the reels you listed, I have to say I will take the PQ every time. It is a workhorse. Hootie
  18. I was in the same boat, all casting equipment and no spinning. So yesterday, I decided to add a spinning combo. Didn't want to spend a lot of money in case I wind up not caring for it. I purchased a Shimano Sahara 2500fe, and a Shimano Compre rod. Will be trying it out tomorrow. We shall see. $180.00 for the combo. Hootie
  19. Any more questions?...lol. Hootie
  20. ^This....if you want it now. Hootie
  21. If you live in an area where you have real winter, it won't be long till you will have about 3 or 4 months to get fired up again. Hootie
  22. My skunk trips are always the first two or three trips of the year. I always figure that the reason is because I am fishing ice cold water. Hootie
  23. Saw a full grown dead deer last year on my lake. This past Spring I saw another full grown dead deer on the same lake. It smelled really bad. The lake is in a county park. I contacted the authorities in the first case, and they told me that they couldn't bother it because it was considered to be a natural occurrence. Needless to say, the area stunk for a few weeks. Hootie
  24. Nick, that is a great story. Made me feel good all over just reading it. YOU ARE THE MAN!! Hootie
  25. Maybe they're missing it. Obviously I am. All I am seeing is what they are insinuating. Hootie
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