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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I love their prices. Hootie
  2. Absolutely, it's a bad time for me to buy baits. I always buy a bunch of stuff I intend to try, but when fishing season rolls around, I tend to fall right back to using what has always worked. This past season was different. I started looking at the several packs of both tube baits and beaver baits I had purchased, so I made up my mind to give them an honest chance. I want you to know, I probably had my best fishing season ever, as far as good sized bass are concerned. In late May through early June, I caught a bunch of 2# to 4# bass on those tubes. Apart from that, it got me to thinking about areas of the lake that I usually bypassed. Started fishing those places and was surprised at what I had been passing by. I had a great season and learned a lot. Proves you're never to old to learn, if you are willing to try something different. Hootie
  3. Does anyone know what city Japan tackle is located in? Hootie
  4. Thanks John, yes that's what all the guys are saying. Won't be a problem, since this time of year I'm always home. To cold to fish, but you can bet that when I get that reel, I will fish somewhere. Hootie
  5. Will definitely post some pics. Hootie
  6. On the way. Just ordered it today. Can't wait to get it. I'll have to take it out when I get it. Cold or not, I will find some water Only bad thing is a new reel this time of year will just make the Winter seem so much longer. Hootie
  7. When it snows, why do people just eat bread and milk? Me, I want a samich. Hootie
  8. Thanks Raul, I checked JapanProFishing per your suggestion. They didn't have the Scorpion 200. I ordered from JapanTackle. They had it on sale for $169.00. Now, just have to wait for it to arrive. Thanks guys for all the info. Now I won't have to panic if it doesn't show up in just a week. Yet I can still hope it does. But why should I be in any hurry. Can't go fishing till Spring anyhow....lol. Hootie
  9. I couldn't count the number of bass I've caught on the old creme worm. When I started bass fishing there weren't a lot of different worms to choose from. Hootie
  10. Mine was last year. Tried an A-rig, first cast...hung up...broke off...gone. Never bothered with one again. Hootie
  11. Anyone here ever order from them? If so, about how long are their shipping times. Japan to US. Hootie
  12. Oh I have a fan base on my lake Raul You can hear them when I go by, whispering, "that's the guy with the NRX". I have been trying to get the park board to put a wrap one of the jonboats for me, but so far, they won't go for it. Hootie
  13. Yes, I have been looking to elevate my social standing. I do have an image and reputation to maintain on the lake I fish. Can't let my followers and fans down. K V Hootie
  14. Looking to possibly purchasing a Scorpion 200. Is this just a Curado i with a different paint job? If so I'm not going to waste my money. Is there a different scorpion I should be looking at. Hootie
  15. I have been using some 12# Siege lately and not having any problems at all. Hootie
  16. Under $100, it's a pole. Over $100, it's a rod. Hootie
  17. That looks EXTREMELY painful....OUCH!!! Hootie
  18. How I can or cannot cast? Come on guys, this is Amurica. I'll cast however I want.....next? Hootie
  19. Your first sentence tells the whole story. Another level of enjoyment. I love bass fishing and I love having the best gear I can afford. Loomis rods, Shimano Core reels, tungsten worm weights, yes, I kknow I griped about losing so many, but I can't give them up. Trokar hooks, Seaguar Abrazx line, the list goes on and on. It's my life and my game. So far, I am winning. Hootie
  20. I'm loving this topic. It proves that we have guys all over the board when it comes to fishing gear, and we all catch fish. That's the name of the game. If you can only afford the basics, so be it. Get out there and "catch em". If you can afford the high end stuff and enjoy having it, great. "Smoke em if you got em". Hootie
  21. I have the spinnerbait rod you mention. Didn't pay list price for it As for hunting for my investments, my NRX, Core 100mg7 combo, brand new, how's $160.00 out of pocket for that. Hootie
  22. I do have a question for you super dedicated "high end" tackle guys, roadwarrior, and the rest. Concerning mid range G Loomis rods, GL3, Moosyback, Bronzeback etc. I have 3 GL3's That I really like that have been relegated to reaction bait rods, spinnerbaits, chatterbaits. lipless crankbaits, and such. If reaction baits don't require a sensitive rod, why spend $220.00 to $240 on these rods, when a $50 lightening rod, cherrywood, or BPS tourney special is sufficient. How does Loomis manage to sell these rods, what void do they fill that warrants that kind of price tag. If you wonder why I bought mine, it was for contact baits. That was before I tried the GLX and NRX series rods. Hootie
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