One time, years ago I fished a small local tournament with my young son.
At the weigh in, when they were calling off the trophy winners, my name was called for
largest bass trophy. I walked up and received my trophy feeling very proud. I walked back
and I was standing there with my son, he commented, “Dad, you don’t have the largest
bass, that guy does“. I looked at the weight board, and sure enough the other guy had a bass
that was 2oz. larger than mine. I already had the trophy, and boy did I want to keep it. Their mistake I thought. Besides, why wasn’t the other guy protesting. What to do, what to do. And there was my son standing there watching to see what his Dad was going to do. Oh well, good bye trophy. I walked up and called one of the officials aside, and explained the situation to him. He informed me that each participant could only receive one trophy. That other guy was the first place winner, which is why he wasn’t protesting.
I did what my heart told me I had to do, but what my head absolutely did not want to do. I got to keep my trophy that day, but I feel my son was my biggest trophy. My son is now a man of 50, and has more integrity than any man I know. I wonder how he would have turned out if he had watched make the other choice. I still have that trophy on my desk right now as I type this. It floods my mind with pleasant memories of a great father and son outing.