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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. If murky is 0-1 feet, and stained is 3-6 feet, what is it between 1-3 feet. I hope you don't think I am just messing with you, this just something that has bugged me for a while. Hootie
  2. I guess the question is difficult to answer because everyone probably has a different definition. Probably best to do what Raul says, and forget rules. Just try it, if it works, then I'm good to go. If not, forget it and move on to something else. Anyway, thanks guys for all the comments. I did learn quite a bit about spinnerbaits though...lol. Hootie
  3. Actually all you mentioned is what to use in clear, stained, or murky water. What defines clear, stained, and murky.
  4. I am getting a lot of good information, but more about spinnerbaits than water clarity. Let me ask this way: My favorite lake NEVER has more than 10 inches visability. Under these conditions, would you bother with a willow leaf spinnerbait? Hootie
  5. *Hootie


    I simply don't know what to think about any of these news stories. Any opinions out there. Looks like EVERYONE is lining up to disconnect from him. All these years and nothing MUCH was said about this stuff, and now it's coming down in buckets. What the heck happened. Hootie
  6. Good answer John. Sometimes the simplest solutions just escape me. No comments about age now....lol. Hootie
  7. Can someone give me a measured definition. I read, Colorado blades for murky waters, willow leaf blades for clear. I ask because most spinnerbaits are willow leaf. My lake, I consider murky. Don't really know what to base a decision on. Hootie
  8. No, he's still in the Cincinnati store occasionally. Just bought some property in West Chester to build a new store. Still BPS's main dog. Hootie
  9. Lews owner, Lynn Reeves used to work for Johnny Morris. They had sort of falling out and parted company. Therefore, Morris refuses to carry Lews reels. Hootie
  10. Funny, scary, and just plain mean....lol. Mike you are terrible1 I can't quit laughing. Hootie
  11. One time, years ago I fished a small local tournament with my young son. At the weigh in, when they were calling off the trophy winners, my name was called for largest bass trophy. I walked up and received my trophy feeling very proud. I walked back and ....as I was standing there with my son, he commented, “Dad, you don’t have the largest bass, that guy does“. I looked at the weight board, and sure enough the other guy had a bass that was 2oz. larger than mine. I already had the trophy, and boy did I want to keep it. Their mistake I thought. Besides, why wasn’t the other guy protesting. What to do, what to do. And there was my son standing there watching to see what his Dad was going to do. Oh well, good bye trophy. I walked up and called one of the officials aside, and explained the situation to him. He informed me that each participant could only receive one trophy. That other guy was the first place winner, which is why he wasn’t protesting. I did what my heart told me I had to do, but what my head absolutely did not want to do. I got to keep my trophy that day, but I feel my son was my biggest trophy. My son is now a man of 50, and has more integrity than any man I know. I wonder how he would have turned out if he had watched make the other choice. I still have that trophy on my desk right now as I type this. It floods my mind with pleasant memories of a great father and son outing. Hootie
  12. John, you just got a new scorpion. Slow down, slow down!...Just kidding, buy as many as you want as fast as you can. Hootie
  13. SG, whenever I have taken something in to trade, rods and reels that is, I receive usually a little over 50%. That is based on excellent condition. Since you are saying that is what you have, maybe another $50.00.Just a suggestion. Might I add, your integrity is inspiring. Best of luck with your decision. Hootie
  14. Yes, the extra bearings are in the knobs. Hootie
  15. Raul, I have that very rod. Just got it a few weeks ago. Really looking forward to using it next season. Hootie
  16. I was feeling pretty good. Now I am depressed. Get some change in your pockets and later find out your pockets have holes. Hootie
  17. Ceegarettes, whiskey, and wild wild women. Hootie
  18. No, Maico just wanted to see a picture of it on that rod. Right now it's on a GLX 803c. I'll probably have it on a half dozen different rods before fishing season rolls around and I decide how I really want to use it. Hootie
  19. Yes, fire, but no wheels. And this for minimum wage. Hootie
  20. Sheesh, when I was young, the Oregon trail was what I used to get my furs to the trading post. Hootie
  21. The scorpion was my first purchase from them. I didn't realize these were holiday prices. I just assumed their prices were always like this. Hootie
  22. Beautiful John, Congrats. no need for me to say Merry Christmas. Looks like that's a done deal. I really like their speedy delivery. Hootie
  23. No, it's tempting to buy another, but I'm still not reading this...lol. Hootie
  24. I didn't read this John, I didn't read this, I didn't read this. Hootie
  25. Apparently not, but I would have thought so. Hootie
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