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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Aavery2, I will check that out when I get on my computer. Those downtown words are too hard to type out on my phone...lol Hootie
  2. It's just a small county park lake. Actually I do pretty good on the lake. My question is about the definition of water clarity. Clear Stained Murky Hootie
  3. Bunches of them on Amazon. Hootie
  4. Still $2.53 in Cincinnati. Hootie
  5. Read the warnings first...lol. Hootie
  6. You mean, like this? From my collection. Hootie
  7. I'm gonna take a pass on this story.. ...lol. Hootie
  8. Goose, that's the way the Lucky crafts were. Only two colors on line, but plenty of colors in the store. Of course I don't know if you have a store near you. Hootie
  9. Yes,it is pumpkinseed. Hootie
  10. C&G, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...lol. The Mojo is fine and don't worry about the guide. Hootie
  11. Rub it in Raul, rub it in...lol. Hootie
  12. Mark, I have used a lot of their crankbaits. They are not bad at all, and like you said, you don't grieve to much if you lose one. Hootie
  13. Just saw a couple of them (the new ones) today. A really good looking rod. Emerald green color. Hootie
  14. Watching TV, do you notice that now, it seems, for every ailment, there is a pill, and for every pill, there is a lawyer. If you can't get well, might as well get rich. Hootie
  15. Saw these online on their website. $15.99... on sale....$6.97. Stopped in the store this morning. Asked if they would match the online price...Yes. While the website only had a couple of colors, the store had plenty Good buy, Good bye. Hootie
  16. Several years ago I ordered 4 Daiwa reels online. I took the first one out of the box and saw that hood. I gave all of them to my son. Stupid hood, If I'd wanted something with a hood on it, I would have bought a car. Hootie
  17. The first, original, one and only, Shimano Bantam 100. Little silver reel with the little wooden knobs on the handle. And I would change NOTHING about them. Hootie
  18. Works for me...lol. Hootie
  19. I can remember when you bought most of your fishing gear at the local hardware stores. Hootie
  20. Goose, until this year all I have ever gotten was a hat or one of those little tackle bags everyone seems to want. Hootie
  21. No, didn't get charged twice. They can't do that anyway, because I keep a separate debit account just for online purchases. Whenever I buy anything on line, I transfer just enough money to complete the purchase. If it turns out bad, they can't get me for anymore money than I was prepared to spend anyway. Hootie
  22. I recently renewed my subscription to BASS and about 10 days ago, I received my renewal packet. It contained: 1:Booyah pad crasher 1:Rebel pop r 1:Xcalibur cs100 crankbait 1:Smithwick suspending rogue 1:300 yd spool of Trilene XT Today, I just received the same packet minus the Trilene. Question: Should I tell them that they sent me an extra packet, or tell them they forgot my spool of Trilene...lol. Hootie
  23. Let's hope not. Gas below $2.00 would be great for a change. Hootie
  24. Okay, so would you use a willow leaf spinnerbait in mud?...lol. About the blade rattles, I'm not sure. Hootie
  25. Alonerankin2, I think you nailed it. There is no definitive answer. Are there any lawyers on this site....lol. Hootie
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