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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Left to right, Pflueger Trump, Akron, Skilcast, and Summit. Hootie
  2. Bought it new, back in....well, let's see now...lol. Actually picked it up at a flea market sometime in the mid 70's. Hootie
  3. If you can get two for the price of three and throw one back, keep the change, and above all, don't leave a tip. After all, it's 15% you know. That's just not right. Otherwise, I say, go for it. Hootie
  4. My oldest reel is 105 years old. It's a Meisselbach Takapart 480. Manufactured in 1909. Hootie
  5. X2 Hootie
  6. A guy driving down a country road comes upon a farmhouse and notices a three legged pig walking around in the yard. He pulls over, gets out and walks up to the house. An old man is sitting on the porch. Can I help you young man? The guy says, "Sir I couldn't help noticing that three legged pig. What happened to him". Oh, the pig, well, you see, he's the family pet, and,....well, we just couldn't bear to eat him all at once. Hootie
  7. We're on the same page farmer. Hootie
  8. Been using the Trilene knot for about 3 yrs, now. Never had a problem with it. Hootie
  9. Thank you, but I would probably get on your nerves after a while...lol. Sometimes I have trouble turning it off. Hootie
  10. Down to $2.41 here in Cincinnati. Hootie
  11. And that's always the color I left at home in another box. Hootie
  12. One day when I was fishing my favorite spot, Hodie Snitch tried to run me off. I tore into him like a windmill in a hurricane and......wait a minute, that's Andy's story. Never mind. Hootie
  13. John, I am a 4 yr. Prostate cancer survivor, my wife is a 27 yr. breast cancer survivor. My daughter is a 39 yr. ewings sarcoma survivor. She lost her left leg, but she is still here. First diagnosed when she was 7 yrs. old. Lost her leg at 10 yrs. old. Thank God for doctors and research. Hootie
  14. Hilarious.....lol. Hey Sam, true story. Once on a Doctor visit, the doctor as usual, asked me if I was taking any medications. I told him at the time, I was taking ginko biloba. He asked me what it was for. I told him, it is supposed to improve my memory. He asked me if it was working. Told him I didn't know, I keep forgetting to take it. Hootie
  15. One day I was fishing in my favorite spot, minding my own business, when out from behind some bushes came a guy flailing and kicking and yelling. I turned and looked, and it was Steven Seagal, but luckily I was fishing with Chuck Norris, so we...... Ahh... never mind.This is as unbelievable as a couple of other stories in this thread. Hootie
  16. Absolutely, absolutely. Hootie
  17. Now if that doesn't help you make up your mind, you really don't want one. ..lol. Hootie
  18. Either or. If you are near a store, they have more color selection. Just tell them the online price. The sale price isn't reflected in the store. Hootie
  19. No, just means you haven't been able to break the chain......"YET". Hootie
  20. When I walk into Bass Pro Shops, a $100.00 bill is considered fishing tackle. Hootie
  21. But I will never know. Wouldn't want to risk losing them. Hootie
  22. These are 2 that I have. If you notice, they say 1976. Not sure if this is what you mean. Hootie
  23. Very nice gear. Hootie
  24. If what you're using works for you, don't worry about it. Using the best is definitely nice, but not a necessity. I could get by spending way less than I spend, but I can and I enjoy it, so I do. Hootie
  25. That is a disgrace. Hootie
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