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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Roosevelt was president when I started....Teddy, not Franklin. Hootie
  2. Thanks Glenn. I'll take care of that right away. Hootie
  3. Bass pro shops has a pair that I liked so much, I bought a couple of extras. They're about six bucks. They're the ones that has the wedge come down on top of the anvil, rather than in front of it. Just works so much easier for me. BPS brand with blue soft rubber handles. Hootie
  4. $1.89 now, here in Cincy. Hootie
  5. I just got a message saying I had used up my limit for uploading photos. Does this mean, "daily limit", or "total limit"? And I will not be allowed to upload any more photos? Hootie
  6. Like this? Hootie
  7. Goose, those are absolutely beautiful. Hootie
  8. I wish I was 14 again...lol. Hootie
  9. Goose, I just don't understand you kids these days....lol. Hootie
  10. Actually, you are correct. Bill Plummer was the inventor, Harrison Hoge Industries manufactured the frogs. Bill first made the lure in 1957, and it began to be mass produced around 1959 or 60. Hootie
  11. Any of you older guys remember these? World war 2 era Jitterbug with plastic lip, and a Bill plummer Superfrog.
  12. It's been said that men marry women, hoping that they won't change, and women marry men, hoping they will. Hootie
  13. Hmmmm... Hootie
  14. .....that is the question. Hootie, Stay tuned for the answer.
  15. Tom, and Senko lover, you guys are just too smart for me...lol. Hootie
  16. Just curious young feller, how do you define "ole guy"? Anyone over..... I remember when my younger brother thought middle age was 25. He was just 16 at the time. Hootie
  17. Not trying to be sarcastic but that doesn't make sense to me. Am I missing something? Hootie
  18. Get it John, get it, get it, get it. Hootie
  19. Are y'all aware that you are responding to a thread that is nearly a year old? And the op hasn't posted since last March. I would imagine he's come to some kind of decision by now....lol. Hootie
  20. Tom, enjoy that prime rib dinner and have a pleasant evening. Merry Christmas, Hootie
  21. Didn't you notice that they are all made backwards? Hootie
  22. Been a Joe Cocker fan since, "She came in through the bathroom window". Hootie
  23. Catt, I think sometimes things just cost more because we don't object to paying more. I once had a friend back in the 70's who was a clothes horse. He spent $50.00 on his shirts just because he liked saying he wore fifty dollar shirts. Bragging rights,..... yeah,... that's it, bragging rights. And I'm aware that what I just said has nothing to do with what you're talking about...lol. Hootie
  24. First thing I do to a new rod. I think it keeps the cork from drying out, doesn't get as dirty as fast. Yes, it does give the cork a slightly golden tint. I don't notice it feeling sticky or tacky, but it seems to have a better grip, wet, or dry. You can do a bunch of rods with one bottle. I wouldn't be without it. Hope this helps. Hootie
  25. Yes, I have some boxes that I don't have lures for. Several Heddon boxes. Hottie
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