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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I'm also okay with a whopper. Hootie
  2. The only Mac I like comes from McDonald's. Hootie
  3. Could have just been an old movie. Hootie
  4. Last year I had one almost to the boat when my line broke. She weighed 8# 4.7 oz. Hootie
  5. The Curado I is a great reel. I have three of them. Hootie
  6. $1.85 in Cincinnati. Hootie
  7. Where did it all go guys. Was a fast ride wasn't it. Hootie
  8. Now that there is a good one. Hootie
  9. Arv, you're reading my mind. I've been accused of not keeping anything long enough to break it in, never mind wear it out. Besides, like you said, it's fun. Hootie
  10. Roger, the lowest price I ever paid for gas was 0.23 / gal. That was in the middle of a local gas war. Remember when you would pull into a gas station and ask for two dollars worth of gas? They would do that, clean your windshield and check your oil. All for less than thirty cents a gallon. Hootie
  11. Many years ago, I used to be one of those "ghetto" kids. We weren't bussed in. We were driven in our bosses car to the middle class neighborhood. We had our standard, everyone says the same thing sales pitch. Guilt tactics were not used or suggested. We were just a few "ghetto" kids trying to make a little spending money on Saturday and after school. According to the stories I see on the news these days, spending money is acquired by completely different methods now. Hootie
  12. $1.86 in Cincinnati. Hootie
  13. I have so many, there is no reason for me to answer this question. Hootie
  14. Now that sounds like my brother in law. Hootie
  15. I just tell them the truth. The only thing I buy on the phone is pizza. Even then, I make the call. Hootie
  16. Reminds me of me. I used to think, if you can't catch em on a Jitterbug you might just as well go home. Hootie
  17. I build my own computers, and I am my own tech support. Makes life so much easier in this wonderful digital world we live in. Hootie
  18. Got it yesterday. Hootie
  19. Tackle box I used in 1969 & 70 as it is now. Photo taken as it was in 1970. It has been pretty much left the same. Man cave display. Hootie
  20. Just got the new catalog, and in the Shimano section, no B series Calcutta, no E series Chronarchs, no Cores, and no Stellas. Either Shimano is doing away with a lot of stuff, or the new catalog is sorely lacking. Hootie
  21. Now that's funny! Hootie
  22. Very interesting story. Hootie
  23. I bought me a pair of turtleskin shoes. Now it takes me two hours to walk across my backyard. Hootie
  24. Goose, you have a nice collection. I spend my Winters tinkering with my old lures, baitcasting reels, and going through my ancient magazine collection. Hootie
  25. It looks like the Texas pliers work the same way. Hootie
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