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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I use four jig and worm rods. 1: jig 2: worm 3: beaver 4: tube Hootie
  2. Hey guys, I knew that would get your attention. Actually the pump price was $1.97. I just happened to have $0.60 cents off in Kroger gas points. Not sure if you know what that means. Hootie
  3. On sale for $49.97 in a little less than 2 weeks. During the week long classic. Hootie
  4. Cincinnati Hootie
  5. There is no attached photo. Hootie
  6. Yeah, I've used all three services and have never gotten a damaged item. This was just a defect coming out of the factory. Hootie
  7. Well, received my rod just now. The guides are so far out of line with the reel seat you wouldn't believe it. The guides are almost a quarter turn off. Already contacted them to ship it back for a replacement. I have bought rods online before and never had a problem. So I really can't complain. Hootie
  8. WOW!, you didn't buy that, you stole it. AWESOME! Hootie
  9. IMX MBR 785, $180.00. Just noticed, also out of stock. Hootie
  10. Hey guys, American Legacy Fishing has several G Loomis rods on sale. How about a GLX 805c J&W rod. $252.00. More on their website. Hootie
  11. This right here. I have never gotten one past the "estimated delivery date", but I have gotten them earlier, many times. I just found it amusing that I, right now, am given three different arrival times. I am inclined to believe tomorrow will be the real date. Today, impossible. It left Dallas Fort Worth last night at 9:35 pm. It's just slightly over 14 hrs. straight through to Cincinnati. That would put in Cincy no sooner than 11:30 am today. My mail carrier is not going to go back to the post office and pick it up, I'm sure. Hootie
  12. Okay, let me explain. I ordered a new Falcon Lowrider spinning rod. Just checked, Amazon says it will arrive Monday. Also says it's out for delivery now. USPS tracking says it will be here tomorrow. So, today, tomorrow, or Monday. Wonder why they skipped over Saturday? Hootie
  13. Seaguar Abrazx, and Red Label. Hootie
  14. Agreed. What I need and what I want, live in two different neighborhoods. Hootie
  15. I have weird fishing dreams. I'm always fishing in a room. Casting under furniture, into closets. It's just plain scary. Hootie
  16. PM'd you. Hootie
  17. Thanks, just decided it was time for a change. Hootie
  18. A new supplier. Not sure what, if any changes will be made. Hootie
  19. The classic at BPS starts Feb. 6, and lasts one week this year. For those who might be interested, the PQ reel will be going for $49.99.....HOT DEAL. Hootie This is not a special edition, or stripped down model. It's the original PQ.
  20. I enjoy these threads. They seem to be able to make everybody mad. Great stress reliever. It's winter and everybody is bored to pieces....lol. Hootie
  21. Problem solved. Hootie
  22. $1.85 yesterday in Cincinnati. $2.09 this morning. Hootie
  23. DSG never works for me. Stopped at my local store back in the fall to pick up some tube baits. They had one pack. Not one pack of the ones I wanted. One pack period, in the whole dang store. I probably have more of a tackle selection than they do. Hootie
  24. By dog, they do don't they. I don't want no dang turtle reel. Hootie
  25. Do everything suggested here and you should be fine. Hootie
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