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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Remember the Curado g?.....Now, how about the Curado i. Maybe it'll be like that. Hootie
  2. Just got the same email. Hootie
  3. Looks like you're having a "GREAT" day. Hootie
  4. 26" for the 6:3. Just backwards on the website. Hootie
  5. X2...Absolutely! Hootie
  6. Now that's funny! Hootie
  7. A rod that "UGLY" would most certainly have to come with a sleeve. I wouldn't want anybody to see it. Wonder if you can rig a way to fish it with the sleeve still on?.....hmmm. Hootie
  8. All it says is "hand crafted in Woodland Washington". Multi taper technology. Oh...and those prices "start" at $179.99. Full page ad featuring the one and only, "Mark Zona". Hootie
  9. Just got the new issue of Bassmaster magazine. They have an add and a picture. Hootie
  10. Anyone see these yet? E6X.....going for $179.99 Hootie
  11. They are waiting until tomorrow to put the stuff out. At least that's the way the Cincinnati store does it. Hootie
  12. Yesterday in Cincinnati, went from $2.05 to $2.35. Hootie
  13. Save more money and get a new Curado, or save more money, and get a Chronarch, or save more money and get a Zillion, or save more money and get a Core.....get it? But for the money you mentioned,.... "Grab the PQ". Hootie
  14. I know where they come from. There's no bluegills in my bathtub. Hootie
  15. Bluegill farts.... hmmmm.....intinteresting. Hootie
  16. I put more stock in the opinions of the people on this forum, than pro endorsements. Actually, pro endorsements carry no weight at all for me. You guys spent your hard earned cash for whatever item. I want to know what you think. There's one particular add by a pro that says, "The first time I used such and such, I was sold". Well, NO! The first time you used such and such, you were PAID! Pro endorsements, sponsored endorsements,.....nah. I'll pass. Hootie
  17. Coffee, a must have, coffee. Not a fishing item, but I must have it. Hootie
  18. To bad the name "Ugly Stik" is already taken. Hootie
  19. GLX is right up there with the NRX. Both AWESOME rods. Hootie
  20. GL2 and NRX. Night and day. Hootie
  21. Haven't had a cold or flu, or anything similar in over 10 yr. Soooo glad! Hootie
  22. I've been on a few forums that seem to share your philosophy. I go to check them out and only two new posts since September. Nothing to read. "BORING"! Hootie
  23. My lawyer will be in touch. Hootie
  24. Give the "Reel Magic", to someone you don't like. Hootie
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