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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Great job! Hootie
  2. Your avatar is very interesting. You and your cat? Hootie
  3. I hear ya oe. Fortunately for me, we now have a Field and Stream in our area. If BPS doesn't have what I'm looking for, I just drive across the big Ohio river and 90% of the time F&S will have it. If not, TW, here I come. Hootie
  4. Interesting observation.....hmmmm. Hootie
  5. Watching Zona right now, and it looks like he's using one of those rods. Hootie
  6. Is this a spinning or casting rod? Hootie
  7. Okay, it's been four hours. If it's still, North, South, East and West, I'm good. Hootie
  8. Did you ever have a feeling of urgency that you just couldn't hang a tag on? Don't know where it came from. Something is happening, but you don't know what. That's where I am this morning. Something needs attention, but you don't know what. Life is a mystery, and sometimes the answer arrives before the question, so you don't quite know how or where to apply it. Something is in the air besides the cold temperatures I don't know. I'll re-post if I figure this thing out...... Hootie
  9. Now that's cold! Hootie
  10. Let's see, 50 + 59..hmmmm. Nope, wasn't me. WHEW!! Hootie
  11. That was me oe. It was wasn't it? #@&4"## Hootleir
  12. Two different occasions, about 40 years ago. Once in November, once in April. Ice water both times. Brrrrr! Hootie
  13. Not to worry Robert. I was never as busy as I have been since I retired. You would be amazed at the things you will find to do. Hootie
  14. Of the two you mention, Lightening rod, hands down. To take it one step farther, "Lightening Shock Rod". Hootie
  15. To much work, and I'm retired...lol. Just read a few of my posts and you will see quickly what I like. Hootie
  16. It was a job, and it was fun so it counts...lol. Hootie
  17. I hope it's not like PCH, where you have to buy something to enter...lol. Hootie
  18. Me at BPS for 3 yrs. All about lies and lures. Hootie
  19. rippin-lips,....now I get it. My son-in-law owns a body piercing and tattoo parlor. You would have thought I would have caught on to your name sooner...lol. Hootie
  20. I have the green. Heard there were some problems with the handles on the blue ones, so I passed. Can't confirm the problems, just didn't want to take the chance. Hootie
  21. Yes it is? Hootie
  22. American Legacy, good place. Most of my stuff comes from them. They also have a very generous trade in program that could save you some bucks, if you have some stuff that you no longer use. Hootie
  23. Fisher, I like your posts, but I'm still trying to unscramble this one. It's still early, so it might just be me...lol. Hootie
  24. Arv, I will try to answer your question based on what you say you want. Not economics, not how many kids you have or how big your mortgage is....lol. So you want an NRX. Great choice. 893 or 894. Since you are leaning towards the light end of the weights, I would go with the 893 that you really want. It will handle those half ounce jigs just fine. I have the 3's and the 4's and I can tell you that there is not a dramatic difference. It's more of an either or situation. Get that NRX and ENJOY! Hootie
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