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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. I would prefer a gift card. That way I could get exactly what I wanted. Better than trying to guess what they want and get it wrong. They would never tell you. Hootie
  2. I know it probably sounds silly coming from me, but it's nice to see, not everyone has become jaded by G Loomis, Megabass, and JDM...etc. Hootie
  3. Jrob, you were reading my mind. Hootie
  4. Use it for anything you would use a medium heavy rod for. All my rods are either 6'6" or 6'8". I don't have anything longer. I think sometimes we want to get too pin point specific. Absolutely not necessary. Hootie
  5. My lake was supposed to open this weekend, but the cold snap locked it up tight. Postponed until next weekend. Hootie
  6. I get them at a quaint little store over in Indiana, where they're still called "Long Johns" and they are only 20 bucks. Hootie
  7. Over on American Legacy Fishing's website, it says they are "Made in USA". Hootie
  8. Goose, you are really good at this. Am I sensing another five year "grind it out test"? Hootie
  9. More than I could ever possibly need. Hootie
  10. We have a fishing flea market right here on the forum. Just go near the bottom of the forum list. Hootie
  11. Where did he liver before he moved to organ?.....lol..... No offense Kevin, I'm just kidney. Hootie
  12. Whack yourself in the head with one and ask again. Hootie
  13. I see. That could keep you pretty busy. Always thought I would like living on a farm. A lot of work, no doubt. Hootie
  14. Your parents have seven vehicles. Do they have a dealers license?....lol. Hootie
  15. Same here. Hootie
  16. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Hootie
  17. To fish one type of lure "exclusively", means you are severely limiting your fish catching potential. I will admit, that I prefer to fish plastics, but even more than that, I want to catch fish. I will throw whatever it takes to "git 'er done". I despise using multi-hooked baits, {crankbaits}, but if that's what it takes,.... so be it. In order I prefer, Plastics: Spinnerbaits: Jigs: : : : Crankbaits. Hootie
  18. Why don't they just put a sign in front of the Ardents, "FREE, TAKE ONE". Hootie
  19. Trees, I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that. Simply because I don't use trailers, and I've never caught half a bass...lol. Hootie
  20. No,...look again, they're all...."right"....lol. Hootie
  21. Didn't want to remove all the reels from the rods. Actually, not all are recent. Hootie
  22. I would hate if every time I bought a new car, the first thing I would have to do is tear it down and rebuild it. Hootie
  23. Same here,... I have more stuff than my Walmart. I only stop by to ask them if they want to buy anything. Hootie
  24. That's still Long John weather for some of us old guys....lol. Definitely fishing weather though. Hootie
  25. While I have used both, I don't like either. I've had too many times that they come back wrapped around the hook or otherwise entangled. I feel they are too much trouble. Could even cause missed strikes. Hootie
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