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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Now yer' talkin! Hootie
  2. You think we have way too much fun on here? Hootie
  3. Oops...NRX. I would never have bought a Carrot Stix rod. I don't like orange. When I'm fishing, I want to look good. Image is everything ya know....lol. Hootie
  4. They must have made one good one, and apparently I bought it....oh well,...ain't I the "lucky" one. Hootie
  5. That's exactly what I would expect a pgersumky to say...lol. Hootie
  6. It's definitely not what it used to be. Some of the older magazines I have are three times as thick as the ones you get now. Ray Scott handled it way better than ESPN ever could. Hootie
  7. Old days. Hootie
  8. And there is the real answer. Hootie
  9. I drink whatever I want. I ain't a skeard of nuttin. Hootie
  10. Thanks Darren. You say strong, my wife says stupid...lol. Hootie
  11. Yanked on a snagged plastic worm today. It came flying back at me. Buried a 4/0 hook in my left arm. Past the barb. I looked at it for a few seconds, grabbed hold, gritted my teeth and jerked it out. Cleaned it up and got back to fishing. Hootie
  12. I remember when anything "Made in Japan" was considered junk. So, maybe someday, who knows. Hootie
  13. I just love looking over my old magazines and massive library, and antique baitcasting reel collection. Reminiscing about the old days. Makes me feel young again. Hootie
  14. I know what you mean. I ate a burnt orange once and I puked. Hootie
  15. Bassmaster magazine, March/April 1980 Hootie
  16. I also prefer what I call full sized reels. I have 2 Curado 50e's, and 1 Chronarch 50e which seldom get used. I use my Chronarch 200e6's and my Core 100mg7's all the time. I have looked at the Core 50mg, but never considered buying one. Hootie
  17. That close,I think I would get a Shimano crucial. But they run $159.00 Hootie
  18. Yes, the lake I fish has flooded a few times this year already. It's also part of the Hamilton County park district, like the Campbell chain. Hootie
  19. $@&
  20. Lol...Tom, I've done that three times so far this year. I was maybe two thirds finished and it starts raining. Told myself, I'm not stopping now. Gonna "git er'done." Hootie
  21. 1:00 am music? I get that a lot. Any more questions? How about this. You be you and I'll be me. How does that work for ya? Hootie
  22. Did the same thing Mike. Can't sleep past 4:00 am. At my age, if I don't shave, it looks like I have cornmeal on my face. Don't even own a tie. Boredom set in, so I started cutting my own grass. Oh well, so much for my retirement plans.....lol. Hootie
  23. Push mower here also. It has done some groaning this year. Hootie
  24. Enough already enough!...lol! Hootie
  25. I know it's Saturday. It's your day off, but starting at 9:00 am. I am going to start cutting my grass. With a predicted heat index of 104 degrees,I can't wait till mid afternoon. Why today? Got to get it cut between raindrops. Seems like it's always raining here. Every time I have cut my grass this year, it's been wet. So, "WAKE UP EVERYONE." Hootie
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