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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Umbrella rig. Cast, snagged, gone. My first and last umbrella rig. Hootie
  2. I used plain old black electrical tape. I call it "Hootie" tape. Hootie
  3. Here ya go. The rod is all of 5 ft. long. Hootie
  4. Yes, I have one. It's a BPS Billy Westmoreland worm rod. I'll take a photo later and post it. Taped on reel and all. Hootie
  5. 1982 Bassmaster magazine. Hootie
  6. John, you're hopelessly addicted. No need to worry though, because that's a good thing. Hootie
  7. Pictures?, or did I miss the pictures? Hootie
  8. But, did you catch anything? Hootie
  9. Sounds like probably the "Mann's Augertail". It had a very skinny tail. Hootie
  10. Jig target. Jig fish. Hootie
  11. I ordered a Scorpion on a Friday, and had it in my hands on Monday morning.I couldn't believe it. Wasn't a fluke either. I made another order some time later, same deal. Four days. Hootie
  12. Did it and it worked. Thanks John You too deep. Hootie
  13. I'm searching Shimano Citica G series reels. I choose the rod, reel, & line forum as the target for my search. The little wheel starts spinning, but nothing happens.
  14. Why? Wont work on my phone, or my computer. Hootie
  15. RW I think if you're just using it for "sinning" it probably don't matter what line you use....lol. Hootie Fixed, thank you. -Kent
  16. *Hootie


    Well, one thing Mark Zona has made clear this season, "he's not gonna lie"... Hootie
  17. Pro-Comp 1984 version. Hootie
  18. Yes it was. That was my dream reel. I never actually got mine till 1969. It is one of the three in the pic. Used the crap out of it. It's still mint. I've never abused my tackle. Maintenance is the key. Hootie
  19. Yes, I also have a couple of those.They had a spare spool in them. You got a shallow, and a deep spool. Oh. those Shimanos are chompin' at the bit to go fishing. I have cleaned them so much, I'm surprised they have any paint left on them. Hootie
  20. This is what I was using, the first time I went bass fishing. Mitchell 300's. Hootie
  21. For the last several years, I have used Seaguar Abrazx and Red Label exclusively. Never had any problems with either. This year I have decided to drop back on line. I recently purchased a spool of Big Game, and on the recommendation of several guys on here, I ordered a spool of Izorline. I used Stren and Royal Bonnyl back in the 70's, with no problems. I know some have said why drop $500.00 on a rod and go cheap on line. I just don't believe that it's necessary to spend fifty bucks on a spool of line. You can't convince me that a spool of Big Game will wipe out all the qualities and features built into my NRX and GLX's. If that be the case, seems I might as well dump the rods too. That ain't gonna happen. I guarantee you my catch ratio, this season won't drop one iota. Just my 2 cents...er'...1 cent. I'm cutting back on that too. Hootie
  22. Okay guys, I'm going with your recommendations for Izorline xxx. Just ordered some from TW, along with some jigs, plastics, oil and other items to get over the $50.00 hump for free shipping. It better be all you say it is....lol. Hootie
  23. Bass Pro Stick Eagle claw Sears Tuff Stik Hootie
  24. There are those that do, and there those who tell those that do, that they did it wrong...."bah humbug". Hootie
  25. There probably won't be another one, at least until the present one is over. Never heard of them having two sales at the same time. Hootie
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