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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Do you prefer a long or short handle, and how long is to long. Just curious. Do you find longer handles a problem if you are fishing from a sitting position?
  2. Your opinion for fishing spinnerbaits. Rod = medium or medium heavy. Reel = 5.?-1 or 6.?-1.
  3. Looks like you are like me, I like my stuff to match. Easier to transition from one rig to the next. NICE RIGS!!!!
  4. How do I post a photo? I select attachments, select my photos, re size them but all I get is a red notice telling me, NOTE: If you had an Attachment in your post, you will need to reselect the Attachment again in the Browser Box for security reasons. What do I do next?
  5. Hey Bass-brat, actually you are correct. I have an extensive baitcasting reel collection. In fact, I have tackle older than I am, {if you can believe that}. For starters, I have a meiselbach baitcaster with the manufacture date stamped on the side, June 3, 1909. I probably have about 50 old lures, dating back to the 40's. By the way the Meiselbach is a Takapart No. 480. Most of my collection I have had since the mid seventies, purchased at yard sales and flea-markets at a time when no one else was interested. The stuff is getting hard to find these days.
  6. Just thought I would like to share my joy. Today I bought myself an early Christmas gift. Purchased 2 BPS Nitro baitcasters, 6.2-1 gear ratio, and 2 St.Croix Mojo Bass rods, 6'6 MH rods. Wanted to get them now so I could fish them before my lakes close for the season. Nothing worse than getting a new combo and having to wait till the lakes thaw. I have already had them in the back yard this morning playing with them. I am going fishing Saturday. I AM ONE HAPPY CAMPER. Good fishing guys.
  7. *Hootie


    Yes J Francho, I guess a proper intro is in order. First, thank you guys. Apparently I didn't make anyone mad. I'm glad. I guess I was being a bit opinionated myself. About me, I am 3 years retired and loving it. Spent 45 years as a welder. I am a Grandpa and now a great Grandpa.That is also a good job. I just got hired at Bass Pro Shops for the Holiday season. I am going to be an elf. How cool is that for a Grandpa? I really like this forum, even the hard opinions. I have learned a lot from you guys, especially concerning all the new tackle. You see, I have been away from bass fishing for about 20 years. I had some catching up to do. I still have my old Ambassadeur 5000's, 2 of them, still in excellent condition, and a 5000c mounted on an old Fenwick LunkerStick. I must say,I really like the new low profile reels. This forum put me onto the BPS Pro Qualifiers. I now have 4 of them. Oh well that's enough jabbering about me. Thanks again guys for letting me vent. I think I'll go fishing tomorrow and try to get over myself.
  8. *Hootie


    I have been reading this forum for months but I have never posted. So I hope my first post doesn't make everybody mad at me, but if it does, so be it. I have been bass fishing for over 40 years, and I must say I enjoy looking on the various bass fishing forums. But I have a question. Many times someone will come on with a question about a particular rod or reel or bait, or whatever, and it never fails, out come the slammers that seem to call anything they don't use, junk. WHY??? If the manufacturer is making it, and has been for years, obviously someone is buying it. If it is junk it will soon be discovered and discontinued. If I buy a rod or reel that you don't use , why must you condemn it? Just wondering if there is something I am missing. I mean, is my BPS combo supposed to make my breakfast, or mow my lawn. If so, then darned right, I'm angry! I got cheated! But if I take my BPS Extreme combo, or my Zebco 33 reel and Shakespeare Ugly Stick, and spool up with Vanish fluorocarbon, {also junk, in some opinions}, and go fishing, catch fish and enjoy myself and have a great day, isn't that the extent of it? If not, help me out here. I want to know what everybody else knows. I want a reason to regret my purchase so I can be just as miserable as everybody else. Yes, I am being facetious here. I in no way want to offend anyone. But this me, me, me, attitude is disgusting. Everything I have is better than anything you have. I know everything, you know nothing. Listen to me. I am the smartest person in the world. I can make all your decisions for you. YUK!!! So I guess all I'm saying is be a little more supportive of the guy who only has a Zebco 33. Maybe that's all he can afford right now, or all he will ever have access to. MERCY! Thanks for allowing me to get on my soapbox for a moment.
  9. I have bought 13 new reels and 7 new rods this year.
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