I have been bass fishing for many years, and have always reserved my jig fishing for cold weather, cold water. Do any of you folks fish jigs this time of year? I'm talking jig and plastic trailer. I would appreciate any tips or suggestions.
I fish a local flood control lake, approx. 150 acres. It has lots of laydowns some rocks, way more trees than rocks, and no weeds. It is always stained to murky, can not at anytime see a white spinnerbait more than a foot down. It is a really good bass lake, as I have caught numerous bass in the 2# to 3# range. My biggest last year was a 6#. A typical day for me, even in this hot August weather is 8-12 bass, Naturally some are dinks. not bad for this old guy. Also, I am speaking of largemouth bass.
Thanks for any suggestions,