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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Some really good responses. Thanks guys. This is is the reason I practically live on this site. Hootie
  2. I understand what you are saying, but I have noticed suggestions way out of the price range of what the question listed. Don't you think we should offer same priced options. After all, his selections may have been budget based. Hootie
  3. I have noticed on this, and other forums, a person can post a question about choosing reel A, or reel B. Now that is a specific question. The way I see it, he has already made up his mind to this point. So, why do people start suggesting reel C, D, X, and Z, and so on? He wants your opinion on A, or B. That's all. Just answer the question. Just my thoughts. Hootie
  4. 30 TONS!!! Doesn't sound very light to me!!
  5. These are some of my oldies.
  6. Just curious, does anybody here still use round reels for bass fishing?
  7. Have 2 Ducketts, they are great!!
  8. Got 2 new Lew's Tournament Speed Spool Casting Reels coming Thursday. C'MON THURSDAY!!!
  9. Holding out for 2 of the new carbonlite reels.
  10. Ordered mine about 10 days ago. Supposed to take 7-10 days, so mine should be here anytime.
  11. Just finished reading an article in the Jan. issue of Bassmaster by KVD about swapping the hooks out on new crankbaits. If the hooks are no good, then why don’t they put the good hooks on in the first place? I don’t mind paying an extra dollar for the bait. Actually that’s about what it costs to buy the better hooks anyhow. Just wondering. Hootie
  12. With me, it's both. I love bass fishing and I am a tackle addict Have more gear than any one person needs. That's okay, I love this stuff. But you are right, we have guys who really know their stuff, but because of family obligations don't get to fish nearly as much as I do. I am retired, working at BPS 2 days a week to feed that addiction. Seriously, I am really blessed and I know it. Hootie
  13. I work at my local BPS in the fishing department, and while I can't speak for other stores, the guys in our fishing department are very knowledgeable about all aspects of fishing. We were on top of this reel before it ever hit the website. We have had several calls about the reel and as far as I know they should be hitting the stores around the first of the year.
  14. Agreed!! I have already had my local BPS put two on hold for me and to call me as soon as the arrive.
  15. Why are there so many negative opinions on a reel nobody has even seen yet?
  16. I see what you mean. That explains why I not too crazy about one of my rods. Mojo bass rods I took the reel off to test it . I had to move my finger about 1 ft. up from the reel seat to get it to balance out. Very interesting.
  17. I always hear comments about a particular rod being tip heavy and I understand this. Well, here we have another new reel in the 5+ oz. weight class, the new Johnny Morris carbonlite. With the new reels getting lighter and lighter, aren’t we going to reach the point where almost any rod is going to be tip heavy? Just something to ponder. Hootie
  18. You're allowed 1,{only one} new rod OR new reel for Christmas. Cost is no object. What would be your choice. For the record, I would take a new Abu Garcia MGX reel.
  19. Some good looking stuff. It's kind of refreshing to know that there are some guys on here possibly as old as I am. Nice seeing so many young guys involved. I started taking my son fishing when he was 6 yrs. old. He is still my best fishing buddy. He will soon be 48 yrs. old. We always have a great time when we are out together. Hootie Keep the pics coming, Happy Thanksgiving, stay safe.
  20. More of my collection. Hootie
  21. I have some South Bend reels, but none quite this nice. I also have several Langley's, Pfluegers, and Shakespears My oldest is an old Meisselbach Takapart No. 480
  22. I am sort of an old tackle collector, although most of the old tackle I have was new when I got it. Yeah, I'm old. I thought I would show off a couple of old Ambassadeurs That I bought new in 1969 & 1970. Kept them in pretty good shape over the years. Anything you would like to show I would enjoy seeing it. Hootie
  23. I'm glad I didn't know all this stuff when I started fishing 55 years ago, with a willow limb, and a few yards of black dacron line. I know I would have just given up.
  24. Duckett micro magic also.
  25. This is really helpful information guys. I appreciate the responses. Thanks, Hootie
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