Just so happens, I have both rods. I would take the Ducketts hands down. Actually I wish I had never bought the Mojos. Don't get me wrong, they are an excellent rod. They are just a whole lot heavier than the Ducketts. That lightness has spoiled me. I don't like to criticize one product over another, since they are all great, so it just comes to personal choice. I work at BPS, so I am handling these rods all day long, and to me , it seems there is none lighter in the store. I suggest, take your reel with you, and mount it on both rods, then you will see and you can make a more informed choice. I will also say, we do sell more Mojos than Ducketts, but that could be because of the $50.00 price difference. Anyway, good luck with your choice. GOOD FISHING!!!