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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Dont let em getcha. The truth isnt determined by whether or not anybody believes ya. The truth is the truth. You know if you caught em. And if you caught em, ya caught em. NOTHING else matters!!! Hootie
  2. Those of you who have to use small rental boats like I do, just wondering, how many rigs do typically take with you. I know you bass boat guys can carry dozens on your boat, thats why I aimed this question at small, have to take your stuff to em boats. I usually have 4 rigs, tackle bag, and small cooler. Have been pondering taking a couple more rods Hootie
  3. In your memory, this day will live as long as you do. I to have been up since 3.00 am. I love the morning. You sir, have a great day, and store up a lot of great memories Hootie
  4. Welcome, welcome, welcome, home Dr., Sir. Glad you made it home safe. Now for the fun stuff, family, friends, & fishing. Enjoy your new toys, and have a GREAT summer. God bless, Hootie
  5. Am I understanding you right? You are in the store breaking reel handles, and nobody says anything? If I misunderstood, I dont mean to offend. Hootie
  6. I cant comment on the champion, bit I have 4 of the savvy series, and I think they are great. Hootie
  7. I am learning a lot here guys. Thanks a bunch! Hootie
  8. I would also add, the lake has very limited clarity, about a foot at best.
  9. First, let me start off by saying, I hope this isn’t so long that no one will read it. I have a question concerning tube baits. I have always thought that tubes were primarily a smallmouth bait. But I have heard that some guys are using them for largemouth In the lake I fish. This lake does not support smallmouth. I would like to know if I am hearing bull hooey, or not. Are tubes a good bait for Largemouth. If so, where do I start, what size tubes? What colors?, technique? The lake I fish is just a small {150 acre}, county park lake, a very fertile green lake. It has a great bass population, 1.5#, to 3#, some 5’s & 6’s occasionally. Cover is mostly wood laydowns, stumps, fallen trees. No weeds very few rocks, except for the dam. What do you think, would I be wasting my time and money? Thanks for any replies, Hootie
  10. Actually, my dream combo will always be the one I am currently using, Right now, that happens to be a Duckett micro magic, 6.6 med. Heavy and a Lews SS tournament, 6.4 1 reel. Hootie
  11. Thanks guys for all the replies. Guess I will start wearing my long sleeve tee shirts. Never really thought about all the adverse effects. You guys are a wealth of information. Hootie
  12. I have noticed while watching a lot of the fishing shows, they will talk about temps being in the upper 80's and low 90's, yet they are all wearing these long sleeved jerseys. WHAT THE!!!! Could someone please explain.
  13. Bought 2, liked them so much, I bought 3 more. All 5, Tournament Speed Spools. 3, 6.4, 2, 7.1
  14. That is, you are, not your.
  15. Welcome strykr. You've got it bad like most of the rest of us here. I know I have more tackle than I could use in 3 lifetimes. That's, to me, is a great part of the fun. I think we start with just fishing in mind, then we turn into collectors. I say just enjoy yourself, enjoy life. Just don't spend the grocery money, the bill money, or the rent, and if you have a better half, make sure to keep her happy, and above all, be fair. Life is for living, and you just get 1 turn at it. Believe me, there are worse things you could spend your money on. Hootie
  16. I have 4 Tournament SS reels. Love em!!
  17. I have fished every kind of line, from expensive line, to Walmart's 1 million yards for a dollar spools. Can't say I've EVER had a line issue that I didn't cause myself, from a haphazzardly tied knot, or failing to retie after a dozen fish caught, or dragging it over snags for two hours. I work at BPS, and I believe about every line on our line wall is hated by someone. I hear several times a week, I hate that line, or, that's the worst line ever made. It never stops. And each person is talking about a different line. Oh well, I guess it's easier to blame the line, than our own laziness, or carelessness. Just sounding off. Hootie
  18. I guess that tells me everything I need to know. Thanks a bunch! Hootie
  19. Just wondering, does anyone have any info or experience with the Lews SG graphite rods. Hootie
  20. Maybe 3" away from a limb that big ol' bass was about to hang up on? Hootie Maybe 3" away from a limb that big ol' bass was about to hang up on? Hootie
  21. Yes, I do have a 5.4, but I have found that most of the time I am using the 6.4 to toss crankbaits also.
  22. How many 7.? reels do you own. This is my second post concerning high speed reels. I just purchased two 7.1 Lews Tournament Speed Spool reels. Now I am wondering if I can use two, or should I exchange one. By the way, I already have two 6.4's. So, I am just looking for opinions, should I exchange one, or keep them both. Thanks, Hootie
  23. Off topic, but isn't being retired GREAT? !!!!!
  24. Sorry, I'm retired. I keep forgetting today is Sunday. Everybody is probably out fishing.
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