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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Hootie: I am hungry, do I want a Big Mac, or a Whopper? LMG: Get a Chronarch, get a Chronarch! Hootie: but,...but..... LMG: Get a Chronarch, get a Chronarch!! lol Hootie
  2. Wouldn't that twist your line? Just wondering. Hootie
  3. I use KVD line conditioner, simply because I already have a bottle. So I don't know that it wouldn't work just fine without it. My guess is that it would work just fine. I wouldn't worry to much about the expense of line conditioner. I'm still using a bottle I've had for 2 years. Hootie
  4. Given up here too. I am using Yozuri, and Vicious Ultimate. Both work great for me. I refuse to spend $20.00+ for a spool of line. You get what you pay for? Ahh, if only that were always true. What a wonderful world it would be. Hootie
  5. Aren't these ceramics, and aren't they noisey? Hootie
  6. What is a good replacement bearing, { excluding ceramic, I don't want the noise } in place of the stock bearings? Hootie
  7. Zoom Super Chunk Jr. Hootie
  8. Good enough for me DVT. I'll stick to my Reel Butter. Thanks, Hootie
  9. Whoops, my mistake, 1 letter sure makes a difference. Hootie
  10. I keep hearing about this particular lubricant, TS 321. What is it, and where do I get it. I ran a search on google, didn't find anything on where to buy it. Also, what brand names does it go under. Hootie
  11. Glad to hear that DVT, and thanks for your help a few days ago when I PM'd you. Hootie P.S. Thanks to all you guys for all your tips and suggestions. This site is a virtual bass fishing college.
  12. I followed the advice and tips I got from you guys on my previous post. Sure glad I asked first. Now I have a new question. I want to say first, I have already lubed and re-installed the bearings. Could hardly believe the difference. I used Reel Butter. What is your opinion on that. I know I'm asking after the fact, but would still like your recommendations for future referrence. Hootie
  13. Just watched a video on cleaning and lubing a reel, featuring a well known pro, and he was really pouring on the oil and loading up on grease. I also noticed he was oiling the spool shaft. I thought that was a no no. Just a drop on everything else. That's what I always read. Hootie
  14. Yes and yes, my wife has a boatload of mason jars. Hootie
  15. Are you talking about charcoal lighter fluid, or cigarette lighter fluid, or are they both the same. Sorry for being a pest. Hootie
  16. I like it!! Hootie
  17. Can I soak the bearings in fingernail polish remover? It has acetone. Hootie
  18. I am sorry, the price I found was for a case. Whew!! Hootie
  19. Where can I find that. I am near a pepboys, a lowes, and a home depot. I dont know if I am allowed to put all those names in there or not. Hootie I just located some. I think rather than pay the $79.95, I'll just go buy a new Pro Qualifier. Phooey on cleaning bearings if it's that expensive.
  20. Is CRC carb cleaner okay to flush bearings. It's in a spray can. Hootie
  21. X2 Excel is good stuff. I use it, I like it. Hootie
  22. Could someone direct me to a good spray solvent that I could use to clean the bearing attached to the spool shaft on my PQ. Thanks Hootie
  23. Me too, I like em all. Hootie
  24. Good nite. Hootie
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