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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. Is the Curado G series worth the money or not? Thinking about getting one. Please don't make other suggestions, as this is the only one I am interested in at this time. Thanks guys, Hootie
  2. I fish strictly for bass, but anytime I tie on any Berkley Power Bait, I know I am just as likely to catch a catfish as well as bass. On one occassion, using a Berkley Power Hog, I caught a 14# flathead, a15# bluecat, a 27# flathead, a6#+ channel cat. Ended my day right by finally catching a 5#12oz. bass. I know it's probably the smell, but I have other rotten smelling plastics that don't seem to attract catfish. Hootie
  3. Let me know how it works out. I had to return one, then another one. They both sounded like coffee grinders on the retrieve. I exaggerate slightly. Hootie
  4. Same here, complicate things and I go home. Hootie
  5. I also have the FTO box, love it. Best thing since iced tea. Hootie PS. I don't mean the Law & Order guy either.
  6. Ya just can't resist can ya LMG. lol Hootie
  7. Are all these wacky rigged, or texas rigged? What is the most popular way to rig these. I've never had much luck either way. Probably not giving them a fair chance. Hootie
  8. Same here, Abu, Shimano, but mostly I am ( here it comes LMG), a .......... LEWSer!! lol Hootie
  9. Is this NUTS or what??? lol Hootie
  10. X2.... 20 min.to my fishing spot. Hootie
  11. Good post LMG, try to stay out of trouble for a while. lol You're okay by me guy! Hootie
  12. I have old magazines with adds touting high speed reels with gear ratios a blistering 4.7-1 I also prefer a slow gear ratio for spinnerbaits. Hootie
  13. Shouldn't have to patch a brand new reel. Hootie
  14. What has happened to my post??? Seems to have gone way off course. C'MON guys!!! Autumn jig fishing, autumn jig fihing!!!! Hootie!!!
  15. Thank you. This post, and long Mike' post confirm my theory. It don't make a dang difference. Hootie
  16. There was a paddle tail worm back in the 70's called, JW's Ding a ling. Could be them. Who knows. Hootie
  17. Just got into jig fishing this year. I noticed that lately, my jig bite seems to have fallen off. Are jigs not a good choice this time of year? Should I be using bigger jigs, smaller jigs, or no jigs at all right now. Hootie
  18. First, I understand tip heavy. What I don't understand, is, why it's such a big deal. Isn't a non tip heavy rig, only non tip heavy when it's standing in the corner? As soon as I tie on a bait, aren't I back to tip heavy again? I guess I'm just not that affected by the subtle difference it makes. After all, I only going to try to hang a 5# bass on the end of it. Now that's tip heavy. Hootie
  19. I'll get a check one of these days. lol Hootie
  20. I am inclined to agree, 2 bad ones. I'll wait a while till some new ones come in and try again. Being that I work at BPS, I'll know when we get in a new supply. Hootie
  21. Yes, did the clean and lube on the first one and didn't help. Didn't bother with the second one. By the way, this wasn't just hold the reel in my hand and turn the handle, I actually fished with both these these reels a couple of days. At one point, my son, fishing from the back of the boat, asked what the heck is wrong with that reel. He could hear it. Hootie
  22. I have 2 of the Chronarch 200E series reels, both very quiet and smooth. So, I thought I might try me a small 50E. This thing was so grindy noisy on the retrieve, that I took it back and exchanged it. The next one was exactly the same. Took it back and got a refund. Are the 50's typically noisy, or did I get 2 duds in row? I really wanted to lile this reel, but no way did I want all the racket. Hootie
  23. Found em. When you said out of Ohio, I knew exactly where you were talking about, and I think I like that bruise color as well. Hootie
  24. Clicked on the link. It says module not found. Hootie
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