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Everything posted by *Hootie

  1. What happened to these rods. Been seeing the adds for a year now, but have never seen the rod. I work at BPS, we have the Micro Magic, but no white ice, and no information on them. Hootie
  2. This is just STUPID........lol Hootie
  3. Same here. Hootie
  4. Sounds like you haven't done to bad yourself......lol Hootie
  5. As Paul Harvey used to say,"thats a strange". Hootie
  6. Got mine for $150.00 Hootie
  7. What I was hoping to hear. Little late to be asking, I bought one yesterday, Stopped by my local lake to fish a while from the bank. Like the way it feels. I got the GL2 803CJWR. Real nice fish Francho. Now if I can just do that. Hootie Yes, I know I just made a post about having to much tackle,...... what can I say?
  8. Does anybody here fish the G Loomis GL2? If so, how do you like them? Hootie
  9. I am partial to the Havoc Pit Chunk. Hootie
  10. Don't have a Veritas, but I have a Mojo I hate. Hootie
  11. Yes Goose, a very good thing. I've given away a lot of tackle myself. Don't know if it's because I'm really generous, or just a lousy salesman,.....couldn't sell windex to a peeping tom. Hootie
  12. Was that a shot?......lol Hootie
  13. I gotta say, I like that answer. I guess I smile. But I'll have to get back with ya on that after I make sure. Hootie
  14. Just sitting here in my room looking around at all the stuff I have and wondering, how did this happen? I have about 30 combos, from high end to low. Wouldn't even hazard a guess as to how many baits I have, bags and bags, and boxes and boxes. Not to mention my antique tackle collection, some 32 old reels, 40 old lures, some still in original boxes, and about a half dozen old steel rods. Got to part some of this stuff out. Or should I just keep it and continue to feed it and let it grow, or just stop where I am? I don't know guys, any suggestions? Hootie
  15. Very informative. Hootie
  16. Thank you, will definitely give that a try. Hootie
  17. Okay, maybe a dumb question, but I am asking because I don't know the answer. What is a rage rig????? Hootie
  18. I fish probably every soft plastic mentioned in this post. Am not tied to any particular one. My favorite changes from trip to trip. Antime anyone asks, "what did you catch those on", my answer is always the same, "hooks my friend, hooks". Hootie
  19. X2, no wait, X10 Hootie
  20. Now I got to go find my old VCR tape of "Deliverance" and take a break. Hootie
  21. 1/4"=1'.... lol Sorry, I just had to do that. Hootie
  22. Checked the Stickos at our Cincinnati store yesterday. Ours are still fat. Hootie
  23. LMG, at 3:00 am, sometimes your thoughts just take a wrong turn. Don't you know that stuff like this is what spawns great horror movies. lol Hootie
  24. Yes, Tripod Schwartz. Did you know him too? Hootie
  25. I once knew a dog with 3 legs, and 2 owners. Hootie
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